Chapter 14

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No one's POV:

After a lot of thinking and the others knocking on his door, Jax finally left his room for the first time in months.

He was not really motivated and had a dull and bored tone all the time.

He even left the jokes and pranks be, but at least he is outside, and being 'social'

"Don't worry, she will be ok -" Jax cut Pomni off.

"Sure.. It's not like you all have been saying that for the past 3 months now.." He said while having his hands in his pockets.


They were all in the main room, and Caine was happy to see that Jax is okay.. in some way and that he left his room.

"Will you take part in todays activity?" Ragatha asked the gloomy bunny.

"Sure.. whatever." He said, leaning against the wall.

"Alright, today's adventure will be.."

Jax's POV:

My mind wasn't paying much attention to what Cain was saying.

My thoughts and gaze went towards the hall with the rooms.


"J- Jax?"

Gangle's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

I looked at her with a none changing expectation.

"What.." she was kind of shaking, and it's not my place to ask why..

"The o- others already left.. aren't y- you coming?" I looked at her and raised a brow.

"Then why aren't you with them?" I said, uninterested.

She stayed quiet and let out a sigh

She turned around to walk away, but before she did..

"Well... we all will be at the fairgrounds.. if you feel like joining, you know where t- to go.."

And with that, she left.


My gaze wandered to the hall once again, and my ears flopped down.

'I'm glad, no one is seeing this right now..'

I got off from the wall and walked out of the tent with no other thought given and went to where the others were.


Pomni's POV:

I was hanging out with Ragatha and went to different booths.

While walking, we saw Jax, and he didn't seem happy at all, not ever since... Y/N went unconscious.

I wonder why it had that effect on him.. that doesn't make any sense.

I zoned out, and swirls formed in place of my pupils, and Ragatha seemed to notice it quite quickly.

"You doing alright, Pomni?"  I looked at her, and she looked concerned but carried a warm smile.

"Just.. thinking." I sort of mumbled, but she heard

"Is it about Jax?" I nodded.

She sighed.

"It sure is odd.. but he might have his reasons.."

"Yeah.. I guess you're right, and even if we tried asking, he would tell us to mind our own business." Ragatha just hummed in response as we continued walking over the fairgrounds.


After a few hours, we went back to the tent and had dinner.

Jax, yet again, was absent.

I sat down and started to talk to the others.

No one's POV:

While the others were eating, Jax went straight to his room.

When he was about to open his door, he noticed something in the corner of his eye.



Not some NPC ~ Jax x Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now