A long drive to the Party🖤

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Karan's POV:
Like seriously?
I just ran away?
But why?
And what was that?
Why the hell I touched her lips...
I mean I putted my finger on her lips.
Actually that wasn't my fault at all, she was continuously asking me stupid questions and I was just staring at her lips. I even had a thought of kissing her to stop her, but I hardly controled my emotions.

Then that neck moment..... that was also not my fault.
Yessss!! That was her fault, she wasn't agreeing to give me her number so I has to take out her phone on my own and while taking out the phone I realized that I was super close to her neck and I couldn't control myself anymore, so I blowed air right from her ears....down to her neck. I was craving to touch her neck, but both my hands were busy and without realizing I touched her neck with my lips....and that made me ran away from there.
I should go to my friends and make preparations for tonight's fresher party.

Teju's POV:

"My Bedroom"All of my friends and I were in my room

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"My Bedroom"
All of my friends and I were in my room.....
"I got a card today!!" I said while taking a deep breath.
Vidhi : Did you get another credit card from your father?
"No... I got a different card" I said with a sad face.
Miesha : Is it a trump card?
Teju : Nooooo.... It's a torture card. A guy named Karan gave me this. He is maybe our senior
Ishu : You mean Karan Kundrra?
Teju : I don't know his last name. but do you know any seniors named Karan?
Ishu : Yes... He is Karan Kundrra.. The founder of Fab-5. This card resembles a dare.....It means you have to follow all the orders of the Fab-5 group including Shams and Yuvi.
Miesha : Teju... do you know Ishu is part of Fab-5?
Pratik : What?? Ishu what is this nonsense?
Ishu : Shut up and listen to me Teju.... You must follow them but I will make sure that they don't give you any hard things to do.
Teju : But if you're a gang member then why can't you just tell them not to target me?
Ishu : I can't sweetie.... we have some gang rules that we all follow and this ragging thing is like a ritual for them and I am part of them, I can't go against them so easily. Don't worry, I will try to convince them to not be too harsh.
Teju : Something is fishy..... Ishu tell me the truth.
Ishu : Actually your name and roll is already posted as our target and If we remove it now the aura of Fab-5 and the rules both will be broken.
Teju : Ok fineeeeeeeeee.....
Vidhi : Don't worry, Teju we are all with you.
Miesha : Ok.... Now let's choose our dresses for tonight's Fresher Party!!
Teju : Yessssssssssssssssssss!!
So all of us were busy choosing our outfits while someone called me.....and the contact's name was Karan Kundrra.....!!
I received the call and said "WRONG NUMBER" and disconnected the call.
All of my friends gave me a look that says "who?"
"Karan Kundrra" I said with an annoyed look.
Ishu : Sweetie...please? (with a puppy look)
"Okk...fineeee!!" I said in a frustrating tone and Karan again called, so I went to my balcony and received the call.
"Hmmmm....." I said.
Karan : What "Hmmmm..." ? People say hello after receiving a call.
"But I prefer Hmmmm... now speak? what do you want? " I said with an annoying tone.
Karan : At first tell me why did you said "Wrong number" when I called you a minute ago?
"I asked first so tell me, what do you want?" I said in one breath.
Karan : You can't ask me questions, so answer me now!
I said "I won't answer anything... byeeee" and I hung up before he could say anything again.
Then he again called me !!!!
Ohh God...WHYYYY MEE???
Having no other options,
I picked it up and let out a bored "Hmm.." again.
Karan : Did you just hang up on me?
"I don't know, Mr.Einstein. Figure it out yourself." I said and hung up again.
I really don't know why I was feeling soo satisfied while irritating this Spoiled Brat.
My phone rang again and I picked it up.
Karan : If you hang up on me one more time, you're going to be punished.
I got confused for a sec but didn't see any way that he could punish me right now. I thought how he could reach me so I just hung up again and smiled to myself.
Then my friends went to their home around 5 minutes later. So I was getting ready for the party. It took me like 15 minutes thanks to my friends, who got ready for everything before they left.
I went to mom to say bye and she told me to Enjoy the evening and try not to be late.
My mom told me to grab a cold coffee cup from the kitchen to stay fresh and lighten up.
I came outside of my house with a bright and wide smile.

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