It hurts

86 21 42

I loved you, so much,
But you never loved me.
I miss your sweet touch,
But now its just a faint memory.

I'm sick and tired of your ignorance,
So many tears were shed over you.
I can't handle your insolence,
Your mistakes I always knew.

Yet I kept the pain bottled up,
To give you your "second" chance.
But the hurt spilled over the cup,
And I'm forgetting our first dance.

Our love was always fake, was it not?
Your hugs were never sincere.
We fought, and we fought,
I always lived in fear.

The taunts I passed off as jokes,
And the sick comments you threw at my friends.
I took them all as signs of love,
And accepted all your mistakes.

And now I'm broken beyond repair,
My heart is shattered to a million pieces.
But you never did and never will care,
And it hurts, to say the least.

It hurts.

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