The night of our first kiss

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Leaf, water, rain, umbrella, tree.

One night remains forever in my memories,
Us rushing through and between the trees.
The water splashing 'round us as we played in the lake,
And then, the soft rain.

The fight of searching for an umbrella,
If only I could capture that moment with a camera.
And when I pulled you closer to me,
Oh, it felt heavenly.

That one night, a perfect one,
The moon shining overhead upon us.
The night of our first kiss,
The one I'll always miss.
The night of our first kiss~

We ran along, forgetting all shame and grace,
Holding your hand as we shared our favourite place.
Smiles and love, so pure and innocent,
Oh why is it now so different?

The one night, with our smiling faces,
Trying to see who'll win the races.
As the water drips down from a leaf,
I know this is a night free of grief.

That one night, a perfect one,
The moon shining overhead upon us.
The night of our first kiss,
The one I'll always miss.
The night of our first kiss~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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