The alarm started screaming its awful tune, Annabelle Ferguson groggily got out of bed and walked over to her desk to turn it off. She knew that she hated doing this every morning, but it helped her to not go back to sleep, she knew that was not an option for her. With a yawn she picked up the clock, which was still screeching frantically, and pressed the white 'off' button. Before setting it down she checked the time.
Another early wake up, how she hated when this happened, it was her own fault though as she never reset the alarm time. She ran her fingers through her chestnut brown hair, it was short which made it easier to keep it out of a crime scene (it was amazing how hard it was to wash blood out of her hair) and that was so much better, with another yawn she headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth.With a final spit she expelled the white paste from her mouth, Annabelle looked in the mirror, the blue eyes of her reflection stared straight back at her. She really did not want to go to work today, she was just too tired. For the past month or so Annabelle was on a murder case, she still had not caught the perpetrator and the only evidence she had (if any) was the smile cut into the cheeks of their victims. Coming back to reality, Annabelle released the sink from her iron grip which had left her knuckles white. She laughed a little to herself before walking into the kitchen to quickly make herself a slice of toast before she left the house.
The job of a private investigator was not an easy one, it was not even that rewarding, the only reason Annabelle decided to go into the profession was the old detective shows she had seen on television. Her stingy bosses paid her hardly anything and the decision to buy a bungalow in the middle of Toronto left her to rely on her workmates and public transport. It did not make things any easier but she was happy that she was even given the chance to be where she was. The bus pulled into the stop and she jumped on,
"Glisspado lane please."
"That's four fifty mam."
She handed over the money and sat in her usual spot at the back of the vehicle. She pulled out her phone from her pocket and checked to see if she had anything new to do
The screen flashed at her saying
"2 unread messages"A few swipes in sequence unlocked the phone and there loaded the messages, the first was from her boss as always. It was probably the usual 'same case' message she was used to. She tapped on it anyway. She was right, it was the usual message, however, a little note at the end of the message surprised her:
What had she done? She went over everything she had done this week and the last. Nothing bad could be put to her name. What could he possibly want to see her for? A thought dawned on her, maybe she was going to be fired, maybe he had realised that she had not solved her case and decided to let her go. The other message was from her ex boyfriend Sam, she knew that she needed to delete his number but something kept her from doing it. Nothing however, stopped her from deleting the message he had sent her."Glisspado!" Called the driver, and Annabelle made her way to the front of the bus. When it pulled into the stop and opened its doors she walked out onto the path. She made her way down to the large grey building on the corner. The large door was adorned with many decorations (the boss had bought it because 'grey isn't very welcoming') but a familiar keypad was situated near. Annabelle ignored the numbers and the call button and held her fob up to the sensor. She heard a beep and the click of the door unlocking and went inside.
Sitting at the desk labelled 'reception' was Mandy, the secretary. She had worked in the building for years and often joked that she was there even before the place had been built. With a smile she greeted Annabelle, adjusting her glasses she engaged in conversation,
"Why hello there Annie, how's the murder case going?"
"Oh you know Mandy, the usual, same old same old!"
"And you still have no clue who your suspects are? I thought you were a detective?" She chortled
"Private Investigator, and you should know by now how hard this case is." Annabelle scolded
"I know, I know, that doesn't stop the girls and I making predictions though, anyway I still believe you have it in you!"
"Thanks Mandy see you later."
And with that she entered the lift and took herself up to the 28th floor.

The Entertained
HorrorA detective investigates the mysterious murders that have been cropping up all over Canada, the motives are unclear and the closer they get to the truth, the further away they seem to get. Meanwhile a serial killer gets a thrill from his kills, maki...