Annabelle paced the corridors, up and down she walked, from one door to another, waiting for the results. The forensic team were examining the elastic band that Graham had found at the crime scene. Annabelle, to put it lightly, was excited. She had been working on this case for so long, the anticipation that she could have a lead filled her up with joy, she could shout with utter glee. She composed herself once more and returned to her pacing. It was not over yet. Pretty soon though she would see the door open and a smiling face tell her that they'd found some prints, finger prints.
Or she could end up right back where she started as they told her there was nothing on the band.
Graham had left sometime before Annabelle started her pacing, he had dropped her off and driven home long before. He wanted Annabelle to have her moment, he may have found the evidence but it was most definitely her case. He felt bad about intruding in her practices and generally not understanding anything she talked about. Graham was sure about one thing though, if anything were to come of their investigation, Annabelle would be so very happy to finally close the case. At the same time however, he wondered where that would leave him, would she return to her lone wolf ways or would she be willing to keep him by her side. All fantasies aside, Graham knew that he might as well live in the moment.
The door opened. Annabelle's heart jumped two storeys and made a nice home for itself in her throat. The smile on the woman's face nmade her eyes widen.
"So... What's the conclusion?" She

The Entertained
HorrorA detective investigates the mysterious murders that have been cropping up all over Canada, the motives are unclear and the closer they get to the truth, the further away they seem to get. Meanwhile a serial killer gets a thrill from his kills, maki...