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January 6th, 2016:

Claire had two problems: how much she was jealous of Harry and how she had to deal with how much she was jealous of Harry.

We should start telling the story from the beginning, actually, because those words thrown around like that do not quite describe Claire's emotional state in detail.

2016 had begun well, for her, with good news and many things to do. Theodore was growing and gaining weight with each week that passed, turning into the puffy little cherub angel everyone was sure he would turn into. Her schedule had finally adjusted around his, and her friends were being of more help than ever. Theodore had had his first playdates with his older cousins - Alice and Elsa - who were fascinated with him and his presence and he had managed to play a bit as well, although while he was being held by Claire because he still couldn't hold himself up on his tiny chubby arms.

Claire was, for the first time in months, truly finding peace and calmness. Things were starting to work themselves out in her life and she was finding a balance. The only missing thing was Harry, who was still somewhere in the world, celebrating the holidays and enjoying his freedom from One Direction - he deserved it, Claire thought. And, he had promised, he would start being around much more than he used to, since he didn't have to oblige to work schedule anymore. Or, he still needed to work, but he could take things more slowly. He surely was not in need to rush, he could live comfortably for a while.

Anyways, Claire was at peace and was finally starting to feel happy.

That's when the pictures dropped.

She wasn't even online when it happened, the first time. She was at uni, busy with modules, when the whole world opened the notifications from a certain update account and let out a collective gasp. Claire was spared from that moment, thank God.

She was not, however, spared from the way her friends all looked at her when she got back home, beelining for Theodore and kissing his full cheeks as she cuddled him, needing to show him some love after the whole day being away from him. Theodore welcomed her showers of affection by raising one hand and touching her cheek while staring up at her. When she noticed how they were all looking at her, she raised both her eyebrows.

"What?" - she asked them all, feeling a weird sensation starting to spread in the lower part of her stomach. Her first thought was, obviously, something bad. - "Did something happen?"

"Haven't you checked your phone all day?" - Jacopo asked her, starting to test the waters.

"Uuuuh, no. I've been very busy at LAMDA, and since Theodore's notification sound didn't ring I didn't... check the phone." - the four of them had come up with some technological miracle to have their phone ring in a specific manner when Theo's name was mentioned in the messages, so to alert the others in case something was happening or they needed each other's help. Responsible and admirable.

"Think you might need to sit. Or put Theodore down." - David began, ignoring the shoving on his side by Fabian's elbow. - "What, Fabian? It's a disgusting sight!"

"Okay, now you're scaring me." - Claire had laughed, her hold on Theodore tightening, if anything. - "What the hell is going on?"

"See, the thing is..." - Fabian started to say, but Claire interrupted him.

"Christ's sake! Just show me, will you?!" - Claire exploded, without really meaning to, but the slight ball of anxiety had moved from the lower part of her stomach up her chest and was now about to block her throat. She needed to know.

"Alright. Alright. Don't say we didn't warn you!" - David whipped his phone out and pressed some keys on it before turning the screen towards her to show her what all the fuss was about.

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