C H A P T E R 11

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Your eyes fluttered open, stretching as light flooded into your eyes, making you feel as if you were blind. You stretched, sitting up and moving your hair out of your face. Suddenly, memories of last night crowded your brain while you took in your surroundings.

White sheets were tangled around you, and you recognized Paige laying beside you. She was facing you, her pretty face peacefully asleep, and her silky hair falling over her face. The blanket only came up to her waist, so you were pleasantly surprised to see her bare upper body and stomach.

She rolled onto her back, doing the same thing as you did and slowly sitting up. She looked around for a moment, running her hand through her hair and bringing her knees up to her chest before turning her head to look at you. A warm smile crept onto her face as she scanned your appearance.

"You're so beautiful," she said softly, and you could tell it was genuine. You looked down, blushing profusely as she smoothed her pale hands over yours, pulling them close to her and kissing the back of your hands.

Butterflies erupted in your stomach and you leaned into her, kissing her slowly. However, something felt different this time. The kiss wasn't becoming heated, instead, it was passionate and gentle, and it almost felt as if Paige was trying to tell you something.

She pushed you backwards onto the bed, hovering over you with a bright grin on her face. Suddenly, she began tickling you and you shrieked playfully, rolling over on the bed. The two of you continued to tickle each other, laughter and yelps echoing throughout the room as you rolled around, fighting for dominance in this tickling contest.

Afterwards, Paige collapsed next to you. Still breathing heavily, she turned on her side, resting her head on her forearm. She tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear, caressing your cheek as she pulled her arm away.

"I really like you," she whispered cautiously.

A smile took over your expression and you scooted closer to her, "I really like you too." She grinned and scooted closer to you as well. "We should probably shower," you suggested after a while.

Paige nodded, "Probably." But it didn't seem as if she had any intent of moving.

You giggled, standing up, "Well, you have to get out of bed to do that."  She groaned as you dragged her out of the bed, holding her hands as you led her to the bathroom. She watched you as you turned on the shower, and you made sure the temperature was hot.

"Oh my god!" Paige exclaimed, scaring you. 

You snapped your head in her direction, eyes wide with worry, "What?"

"Are you trying to burn me alive?" She asked, talking about the water temperature with a disgusted look on her face.

You rolled your eyes and smiled, "You'll be fine, Paige."

"No I won't!"

You laughed and stepped into the shower, gesturing for her to get in, "Come on baby." Her eyebrows shot up from surprise at the nickname and panic rose within you, "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to say that-"

"No, no- I liked it," she quickly said, a bright smile on her face as she got in the shower with you.

"Ok," you replied quietly, your face hot with embarrassment as Paige closed the curtain.

 Placing her hands on your hips, she tilted her head and asked, "Do you need to wash your hair?"

You thought for a moment, "Actually, I do."

She nodded, reaching behind you to grab a bottle of shampoo, opening it and pouring a little in her hands. Paige began to wash your hair, massaging the shampoo into your scalp. 

Your eyes fluttered shut as you let out a satisfying sigh, feeling completely at peace as Paige placed a sweet kiss on your forehead. Your whole body felt warm as the water soothingly hit your back, the fresh glow of the morning lighting up the whole bathroom.

After washing your hair, Paige grabbed her loofa and started to wash your body, gently scrubbing your skin. She smirked as she ran the loofa over your boobs, causing you to giggle. You soon did the same to her, gingerly washing her body with love. 

"You're pretty, Paige," you said out of the blue.

"Really?" She asked, sounding as if no one had ever said that to her. Surprise took over you, how could she not know that? 

"Yes, really," you responded seriously.

Her face lit up and she placed a sweet kiss on your lips, saying in a hushed voice, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," you smiled, shaking your head as you went back to washing her stomach.

And just for a moment, everything was perfect.

Love for the Game- Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now