C H A P T E R 17

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The first game of the season had been quickly approaching, and it was finally here. The place you were playing at was only about an hour bus ride away, so you were leaving at 10:00 am and arriving at the hotel at 11:00 am to have breakfast.

However, Paige had slept in extremely late and the two of you were rushing to get to the bus on time. Luckily, you made it in time, panting as you ran up the stairs. Everyone was already in seats, leaving the back corner of the bus empty.

After a little scolding from Geno you went to your seats, you sitting next to the window and Paige next to the wall. There was a closet next to the seats, leaving the area you were in fairly enclosed.

Paige sighed as she finally sat down, leaning her head back onto the headrest. "I can't believe we almost missed the bus," you giggled. Paige looked over at you, smiling and shaking her head.

 You watched as she looked around, just now noticing that no one was around you or could see you. She looked over at you, smirking, and you could tell that she was up to something.

"What?" You asked, a hint of a smile still on your face.

"Be quiet," she whispered, placing her hand on your thigh. You were confused for several moments as she slowly rubbed your thigh, until she pulled at the waistband of your sweats, and you suddenly knew what she was about to do.

"Paige," you scolded, looking at her warningly.

"What?" She asked innocently.

You looked around suspiciously, "We can't do this right now."

She smiled, "Why not?"

You shook your head with a grin, "Why do you think?"

Shrugging, she countered your argument, "No one can see us, plus everyone's doing their own thing." Which was true, you were completely excluded from everyone else, and everyone was either sleeping, talking, listening to music, etc.

Paige pulled one of your legs over hers, giving her better access as she slipped her hands into your pants, gently feeling around. You covered your mouth and looked out the window as she slowly started to rub your clit through your underwear. You grabbed onto her wrist while she watched your face contort in pleasure, seemingly very pleased with herself.

"Does this feel good?" She asked quietly as she slid her hand underneath your panties, and you could feel her hot breath on your ear. Her hands were cold, and it made you shiver as she started to tease your entrance with her middle finger, dipping it in slightly just to pull it away.

"Paige," you groaned, looking at her to try to convince her you were annoyed, even though you really weren't. She just smiled, before abruptly plunging two of her long fingers inside of you. 

Your jaw dropped at the action, an overwhelming feeling of pain and pleasure rushing through you. You moaned as quietly as possible, resting your head on Paige's shoulder to hide your face.

"Is this ok?" Paige asked as she set a rough pace with her fingers, curling them every few strokes. You hummed in response, not finding it in you to talk.

She wrapped her free arm around your shoulders, holding you close as she looked away, trying to seem like nothing was happening in case anyone looked back, even if they would only be able to see her face. Still covering your mouth with your hand, you tried your very best to stay silent, muffling most of your moans.

"I can't," you whined, not sure how much longer you would last.

"Shhh," Paige comforted you, feeling your walls tighten around her slender fingers, "are you close?" You nodded reverently in response, feeling the tight knot of pleasure in your stomach release at that very moment.

After you were finished, Paige sucked her fingers clean, ducking down as she did so no one would see her. Your chest heaved as you attempted to catch your breath, shocked about what you just did.

You laughed once you had fully processed what happened, covering your face with your hands. Paige laughed along with you, saying comically, "Well, now we can say I fingered you on a bus." 

You grimaced, laughing harder at her comment, "Is that something to be proud of?"

After pretending to think for a moment, she shrugged and smiled, pulling you in impossibly closer to give you a sweet kiss on the side of your head.

Love for the Game- Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now