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"Paige!" You yelled as you followed her through the many winding halls of the hotel. She abruptly spun around, stopping in her tracks and causing you to run straight into her due to your increasing momentum. Despite how angry she was, she still stabilized you, gently pushing you backwards and creating space between the two of you.

"What the hell?" You exclaimed, still catching your breath from running after her. She backed up even further and you just now noticed the tears prickling at her eyes, looking at you as if it was painful to do so.

"You and Trey are dating?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowed deeply.

"What?" You paused, "No! Of course we're not, Paige. Why would you think that?"

"I'm not dumb," she sniffled, wiping at the tears falling down her face. You reached up to wipe them yourself, but she quickly grabbed your wrists, stopping you from touching her.

"Paige," you said quietly, you had never seen her cry before. Sure, you had seen her upset, but not like this.

"Is that why you've been hiding your phone? You have messages from an unknown number every time I look at your lock screen, and then when you see me looking, you hide it. It's Trey isn't it? This whole time," she stopped, exhaling shakily, "you've been talking to him, and I don't mean anything to you. That's why you left after we slept together for the first time right? You don't even really like me."

You stood there shocked; your mouth agape as you racked your mind for something to say. You had so much you wanted to say, but it was as if they were stuck in your throat. Paige seemed to have taken this as a yes and slipped out of your sight before you could even blink.

"Paige!" You yelled desperately, chasing her once again.

You saw her leaving the exit of the building and you picked up your pace, chasing her into the parking lot. It was pouring rain and a shiver ran up your spine as you felt water soak into your shoes. Finally catching up to her, you grabbed her wrist, spinning her around into you and immediately pressing your lips to hers.

Surprisingly, she let you kiss her, and it felt like she was pouring all of her emotions into you. All of the sadness, anger, and love between the two of you was being put into this one kiss. 

Your hands held Paige's cold and wet cheeks, holding her close to you as you moved your lips swiftly against hers. Her hands slid up and down your body, feeling the way your soaked clothes stuck to your freezing body.

After what seemed like an eternity, you pulled away from her, not even giving yourself time to catch your breath before you whispered, "Listen to me, I've never liked Trey or talked to him, ok? I didn't even sleep with him, no mater what the team thinks. The unknown numbers that were texting me were Trey but only because I blocked him, and he kept trying to text me. He asked if we could talk and possibly date over the summer, but I said no, and he got super mad and started being really creepy. But I didn't want to tell you for some reason, and I'm sorry, I know I should've." You paused, letting Paige process everything you just said before adding, "And I can't explain how sorry I am for leaving after we slept together, it's by far the biggest regret I have."

Paige pressed her forehead against yours, looking down ashamed, "I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry." The rain was starting to blur your vision, but you could still see the way that Paige looked at you, and you knew right then that you would never forget it.

"I love you," she said genuinely.

"I love you more."

Love for the Game- Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now