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Error really wanted to live, sure voices will make him insane every day, the star team will hunt him down till the end of time, and he have to kill hundreds or thousands of innocent people every day just so the balance can stay somewhat stable.

But there's aways nightmare who supported him even without knowing about the balance between him and ink, killer who just helps Error destress and just have fun, dust aways make sure that Error is healed properly (and he's brother is nice too) horror who reminds him to take care of himself even if it something as simple as eating, and cross... 

Error and cross are friends for the most part, sure then don't look like it but they both know the pain of losing everything about your world, your life gone in blink of an eye. So naturally they got along well, at least that's what Error thinks. 

So when he was attacked by not only the whole multiverse but the nightmare gang too. He broke, in a fit of rage and anger he killed most of the multiverse, only leaving him the star team, and the nightmare team.


"ERROR HOW CAN YOU DO THIS?!" Ink yelled out, he run toward Error and jump into the sky. Error was on his stings ready for him, ink quickly swiped him with red and purple paint and mix's of burning chains come straight at Error. 

"THIS IS YOUR OWN FAULT INK!" Error quickly jump back, using his stings he swing around the paint and hit ink with his leg before jumping backwards into a tree. He watch's as ink come crashing down into the snow and hitting a tree. Dust was everywhere as ink sinks into the snow.

Error only saw both a tentacle and arrow in time for him to dodge. come at him from both sides, he quickly dodge down and hold on to a branch. Both energies collide with one other making the tree shake as Error drop down to the snowy floor. 

"*Cough* how is it my fault?!" Ink let out as he hold his side he try to hold on to his massive brush for support. But in the end he pass out next to a tree. 

Error just ignored his question before guessing that ink was too hurt to fight him anymore by the way he lays there. 'Good, one done 7 to go' Error quickly look around to see where the others are. 

Blue was helping dust heal his broken arm while killer and dream is hiding somewhere in the trees lines. Nightmare have horror by his side as they stand in front of blue and dust guarding them from Error. 

Error just sighs, more stings wrap around his fingers as they dig deep into his bone. god was the pain insufferable, his whole body hurting and broken at this point, but Error knows that one mistake can get him a crash or even worse, death. 'If that's even possible anymore

No one move a muscle or more like bone. Error have a stare down with Nightmare was Dream and Killer hold their position, dust fly though the empty forest, sure Error can just leave right here and now but he didn't. 

He didn't want to give the satisfaction of even hurting him, not after everything. It was almost 200 vs 1 and now it 7 vs 1 and Error didn't even flinch as he continue to kill the copy's, why should he, he was a destroyer in their eyes. 

And he should show them what a real destroyer can do

But Error was tried, he needed a break, before he breaks. But now that he looking more into it, where's Cross? Was he with Dream?-


Error fall to the ground, cross standing over him with a dull knife as he look away with a mad frown, he look over at Ink as his faces darken as he slowly wakes up. Cross didn't want to hurt Error at all during the whole battle, Cross was the only one who knew about the balances with ink and Error. 

The glitch in the backrooms (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now