Chapter 1

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And he will never going to see him again is he? Error thought as he pass out in the void, he hope one day, he get to see him again. Maybe that wish will come true. 


A blinding light hits Error's eyes as he slowly wake up. He move his arm to cover his eyes as he sit up, being more awake he feel water? Underneath him "Eww..." he try to shake off the water(?) from his clothes but it didn't work. 

he can feel the soggy clothes stick on too him. he cringes as the some of the water hit his face, using his scarf he wipes it off His face. Finally Looking around all he can see is the different types of yellows all over the place. (Sometimes Error forget he needs glasses for new places) 

"where am I?" He holds his head in pain, he hiss as his soul suddenly spikes up. Holding his chest the pain slowly creeps down and eventually goes away. This usually happens when the balances is tipping or that fate is looking for him. 

He hopes for the former one...

Error decided not to dwell over the past as he come to terms with his predicament. "Wait...aren't am I'm poses to be dead?!" Error yelled as he stands up, he doubled over as he frustratedly grabs his glasses from his back pocket. Carefully not trying to break the glass as he softly put them on. (When I mean softly I mean he just smack his head with the glasses with no remorse) 

Blinking a few times to make sure that he that yes he is in a random Au(?) that looks like it goes on forever of only yellow rooms. Even tho he is pose to die in the void, but is somehow still living and breathing. "Damn it! Not even the void can kill me?! Have Fate thought of everything?!" Error yelled, letting all the angry out. 

Error spent a good 10 minutes just rage quitting at the poor walls and floor. They will never be the same again. Mostly because he use his bare hands to absolutely kill them. But that not the problem. 

Deciding that it a good idea to look around the place instead of destroying. Error Squints his eyes, he can see the wall looking moist and somewhat moldy, (which disgusted Error when he realizes he touched that) 

Error thought maybe it was because of a water leak but he quickly pass that thought as he continued to look around. 

Yellow lining separates the floor and the walls form meeting one other. The wallpaper reminds Error of that one mafiatale wallpapers or maybe a weird 80's AU's, ink away made too many of those. Some  of the lights flickers above him, Error flinched as he looks up. 

Error knows fate can't hurt him anymore, after all. Fate would have say something by now and throw him back into destroying in an instant. 

But It hard to shake off old habits, if there one thing about the ani-void tho. It that have is good lighting all around, of course if Fate isn't there. 

Error mind wondered as he look down at the carpet beneath him. It's filled with water making it all soggy. that made Error cringed each time he moves ever so slightly, but at times Error will see something red come out the carpet. Error really hopes it water, or at least red dye water. 

Or maybe his own blood? Error just move on for it, he can already feel the glitches coming up the more he thought about it. 

Not wanting to crash over stupid liquid, Error move his hand in a swift motion, a window screen pops up showing Error the worlds coding. Error just pass most of it and read the short description of where he is. 

'Ah yes binary code, I lOve YOu sO mUcH' Error just wants to kill himself rather than read binary code again, sure it dumb reason to die from but it take so long to Translate every single code. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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