Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Mystery Case Files: Ravenhearst series. This is an AU of that universe. This was inspired by The Basement Chronicles by SilveRanger on AO3. I highly recommend you read that as well, even though it is not related to this story.


Finding Charles and Eric had been easy enough. The path had led him here. And it was like they were waiting for him. He stood stock still within the threshold of the room, taking in the monstrosity of machinery they were tinkering with. One was a giant vat, big enough for a person, filled with green liquid. Next to it was another giant machine that he couldn't quite discern the use of. No matter. It would all come crumbling down in due time.

Charles perked up as he spotted him, spreading his arms as if welcoming a guest. "Ah, there you are," he said. "Such a pleasure to finally meet you, Detective." His eyebrow twitched. "I'm afraid I can't say the same," he countered.

This only made the madman laugh. "A pity," he pouted, like a child. "And here I thought we could get along."

The detective only snorted at this. He only had time to do that as Charles charged further into his tirade. "I've noticed that you've cut my family from their bonds. I could feel it." The man's eyes narrowed dangerously. "It does not matter to me. They cannot escape me. But you will pay for that. Mark my words."

"Oh, really?" the detective inquired mockingly, raising an eyebrow. "And how exactly do you plan to do that?"

"I'm delighted that you asked, Detective." Charles clapped his hands. "You see, I've found a way to surpass death. A sort of rebirth, if you will." The detective's eyebrow raised even higher, doubting. This prompted Charles to explain. "I can breathe new life into my family's souls," he said. "They will be gifted with bodies that can stand even the harshest of environments. And, best of all, they will not be plagued by death." His arms lowered so he could clasp his hands behind his back. "It's not quite finished yet, there's still much work to be done." He glanced off to the side wistfully. "But it will all be worth it in the end."

"And how does Maddie fit into all this?" the detective questioned, his voice obtaining a gravelly edge. "What was so special about her that you chose not to drain her like the others?"

"Ah, young Madeleine," Charles sighed, a wistful expression taking over him. The detective wanted to punch it off his face. "From the moment I met her, I knew she was perfect. She reminded me so much of Emma and my darling Rose. And a little bit of me." His hands parted to clench together in front, pressing them to his chest. "I suppose that is what drew me to her. Fate wanted us to be together."

The detective scowled, a very scathing visage. "Fate, my ass. I bet you just missed having someone to torment, since the rest of your family were all ghosts." Charles frowned at that, as if personally offended. He didn't care, however. "But that all ends here. I swore to myself that I would be the one to end you. And that time has come."

Charles merely chuckled. "And how do you plan on doing that?" he admonished. The detective's face split into a wide, manic grin. "This," was all he said before he lunged forward, slamming his fist down onto a button on the console nearby before Charles could react. The madman's face instantly lost its cocky edge, eyes widening. The display on the console flashed, saying, "Warning: Override Sequence Initiated. Overloading Power Core."

The whirring of the machines reached a fever pitch, the different metal parts rattling in their places. Pipes from above burst, spilling green essence everywhere. Charles looked around frantically before fixing his outraged stare at the detective. "You!" he growled. "What have you done?!"

A massive piece of the ceiling began to fall. With a spur of quick thinking, Charles grabbed something from another console near the giant vat, throwing it to Eric. His eldest son caught it, looking just as concerned as his father. The ceiling caved in then, planting right on top of Charles, pinning him to the floor. Eric moved to help him, but he shouted at him. "Go, Eric!" he cried. "Finish what we started!"

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