~Chapter 5~

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River shook out her pelt. Rain was streaming through the den roof, and that could only mean one thing. Spring was on the way. She just wished she could enjoy it.

"River?" Dawn asked.

"Yeah?" River replied.

"Do you ever think that we will see home?"

"I don't know. Do you?"

Dawn flexed her claws as if imagining sinking them into a wolf. "But I do hope." She stepped to the side quickly, and a small rabbit was tossed into the den, barely missing her. A white wolf poked his head in. "Nightshade told me give you this." He barked. "He says he see you both once you done eating."

That wolf obviously doesn't speak lynx very well.

River looked at the rabbit. Finally, She thought. I'm so hungry I could eat more than twelve rabbits.

Dawn was looking hungrily at the rabbit.

Once the wolf left, they both gulped down the rabbit in a couple seconds. "I hope they feed us more often." Dawn swallowed the last of the rabbit. "Because that was too long." She licked her lips and sat down.

River nodded. "I agree."

. . .

"Where do you think it is?" Hawk asked Storm.

"The pine forest." Storm answered. "When me and Midnight went hunting, almost a month ago, I saw some wolves hanging out in the pine forest."

The pine forest... Hawk thought. I think that makes sense. I mean, that is the only place that lynxes aren't allowed to go. Frost said he asked why not, and he said that Moonsight had told him that it was some 'agreement' between us that we wouldn't ever go there. No one except the Elders and the leader know what the agreement is about.

"When should we check?" He questioned.

Star flicked her ears. "Sometime close to the full moon. That way it's brighter when we look."

"Okay. Full moon it is."

. . .

"Welcome." The leader wolf barked when River and Dawn entered his den.

You don't sound very welcoming. River felt a growl coming, but she held it back. She sent a warning glance at Dawn. She knew that sometimes Dawn could go too far. Of course, River could keep hatred out of her voice, but Dawn? Not so much.

"What do you want?" Dawn failed to keep the growl out of her voice, as River had expected. "Why did you bring us here?"

"Ahh yes... I expected you would ask that. However, I am not going to answer you. I'm just going to tell you that there's no point in trying to escape. My camp is guarded well." He shot a glance at the white wolf that had brought them. "And, your lynx friends know nothing about where you both are. They think you're dead."

"They would never think that!" River meowed.

"Oh yes they would! You see, I got a loyal friend to put rabbit blood in that clearing where I captured you two."

"I think that they will be able to tell what is our blood and what is rabbit blood."

"You shouldn't be so sure."

"Why not?" Dawn commanded, ears flat against her head.

"Dawn." River warned.

She ignored her. "Why not? Who would be able to trick Moonsight and the Elders?"

The black wolf didn't answer, but he looked like he would use his claws soon.

"Dawn." River warned again. "Dawn, that's enough."

Starlightlynxes: Stars in the Sky #1: TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now