the bet gets hard.

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Hi I'm back and I re read my story and I wanna cry it sucks and it's weird. but I'll continue anyway!

I am walking to one of my classes kinda grossed out by kenny and his well you know.. -flash back- I got a boner -end of flash back- it was weird. Then someone pushes me and says "FAGGOT!" i look to see who it was, it was a girl who's upsessed with kenny like i over heard a conversation and i heard her say she wants to fuck him. I think her name is Leah. I frown and roll my eyes annoyed by being called that i- I mean j don't even think I like boys? I think..?
I walk into class and a few people stare at me and whisper, I am confused on what their whispering about i look to see if something wrong with me clothes no it's fine then I look behind me and there is kenny smiling at me I don't know why but I get butterflies in my stomach and I smile back at him "hi ken" I say "hello buttercup" I smile and walk to my seat blushing a bit. Then I see in the corner of my eye Leah glaring at me she looks pissed and then she looks at kenny waves and smiles and kenny waves back gives her a flirtatious wink. Right then I feel a pain in my chest for some reason and I don't know why.. but my feeling are a bit hurt.

Kenny walks up to me after class and tries to talk to me "hey buttercup do you wanna come over to my house tonight" I ignore him I don't know why but I do I guess because he hurt my feelings

-kennys pov-

Why'd he ignore me? Did I make him upset? Damnit if I did this bet is gonna get a lot harder.. I need to make him fall in love with me I need that money.

-sorry this page is kinda short but i dont really have motivation to write rn-

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