~🌌 The Legend of He 🌌~

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"C'mon..! Another one, please!"
The cookie kids pleaded with their grandma,
"Oh fine... But you better hold out, this is a long one..."
She smiled before turning to the page she knew the small cookies she cherished in front of her would love as much as she did.

Long ago, a beautiful cookie lived, borne from galaxies, the burning hot light of the stars as his oven, his dough an ethereal blue and cape flowing behind him, for years he searched through space, trying to find that exact place he woke up, the day he was born.

Yet he never seemed to find it, the galaxies around him never seemed to match up to those beautiful, faint memories that haunted him and pressed down on his head, he swore he had been in circles for eons, a bitterness slowly growing inside of him bubbling up to the surface, until he could no longer take it, wreaking havoc anywhere he would go, fists clench, bird form engaged, pupils as red as the jam that would seep out of unfortunate victims of his violence.

Only the glow of near and far galaxies accompanied him, sound drowned out by the ever lonely vacuum of space, pressure built up until he found something, anything, Cookie or Object.

Many carriages of the Sugarcloud Express fell into the empty void of his mercy, many passengers were reported missing, some never found again, the only evidence of his appearance being a couple feathers and one eye witness..

And yet he still roams, no-one has ever caught him, his pace too much for anyone, even those legendary and beautiful cookies who were thought of to be able to defeat anything they wanted to.. but he's too much,

And the tale goes on.. as mysterious and mismatched as ever but.. if you ever see him.. either pray or hide...

(( Hehehehe >:] ))

C̵͙̿Ȯ̴̥R̸̨̽Ř̸̖Ǘ̷̗P̴͚̊TE̷̩͐D̷͙̊ ̸̘́S̷̠̈́T̷̞͗A̴̾ͅR̸̝͆S || CRK AUWhere stories live. Discover now