~🎑 Destroyed Connection 🎑~

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The cookie kids sat down the next night, looking keenly and expectantly up at their grandma, eyes filled with excitement, and slowly but surely, she opened the page.

In the empty city of wizards, was a lonely soul, only dreams and empty wishes to accompany her, the silence and occasional shooting stars flowing through the air, Stardust never thought of going to this City before, yet ever thought of there being such a close connection of his there, and the city itself maybe even being a key to his problems. The cookie there was known for her flowing galaxy hair and crescent moon blending into the coldness, Moonlight Cookie you will hear her being called.

When on a visit down to the sea to see someone special to her, she couldn't help but flash her gaze up at the creature flying through the night sky, Strange nature for the creatures in the environment she was used to..

"What's wrong dear?"
Sea Fairy asked with concern and love in her voice,
"O- Oh? Nothing.. I.. just thought I saw something, it was.. nothing"
Moonlight replied, sounding very unsure of herself
"It doesn't sound like nothing, My Moon.."
Moonlight thought about replying with what she saw for a second before drawing in a simple but sharp breath to speak, always speaking softly to her lover,
"I saw something.. flying through the stars.. I would like to see what it is.."
She said, a hint of nervousness lingering in her tone,
"Is that okay with you My Fae?"
"Yes.. I understand, Dear.."
Sea Fairy smiled up at the Space Cookie, having spent a couple hours there with her,
"Thank you.. see you.. whenever, My Fae.."

Moonlight ascended back up on her crescent moon, staring into the distance, looking around for the creature, it seemed to do circles around, like it wasn't sure of its location or where to go, Bird like wings flapping and gliding gently on its back when it turned around to see her, stopping in place, and looking at her with the same glowing red eyes that seemed to burn a hole through any cookies soul.

"Who might you be?"
She was met with a simple twitch from the creature, anger seeming to grow in its body language, fore-arms pointed to the side and upwards a bit, biceps flexed and tensed slightly, head tipped towards her like it was going to strike any time,
"Not a talker..? I understand that.."
She looked at it with calm eyes, but was still met with the same passive aggression.

She could feel the anger radiating out of the soul of this cookie, the eerie familiarity of this creature and assumed Cookie almost creeping her out despite all she'd seen, about a minute went by when with the flick of it's leg, the creature launched itself forth, towards Moonlight in either an attempt of violence or to scare her off, the goal was unclear.

"My dear.. violence is never the answer.."
She said in a soft tone to the cookie, a snarl and a squawk barely heard as he launched himself towards Moonlight once again, it seemed to annoy him even more every time she dodged his assaults,
He screamed out, infuriated, wanting the satisfaction of a kill or even just a wound, fists clenched, staring down at her standing on her crescent moon from about a metre above.

"I told you violence is never the answer Dear..."
She sighed at him, still somehow keeping her composure all through the way he was acting towards her, he grunted, and turned to go with a small, blood curdling bird call into the dark void of the sky, Moonlight stood there.

Shall they meet again?

(( Beep ))

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