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Blaze Vespertine had always wanted to stand out. Be it because she was always tucked away, in the shadows of her older brother. She wanted to be seen, worshipped, respected the same way her parents worshipped the ground beneath Crassus' feet.

Regulus and Antonia Vespertine would never think anything of their daughter. They, like most members of the Captiol, thought the young girl to be too much of a spectacle to ever be worthy of, even a shred of respect. All attempts at pleasing her unwavering parents were swallowed by her appereance. Blaze had begun with her, as her parents would say, "garish" outfits back when she were fourteen. The young girl had thought surely she would've been able to capture at least a glimpse of attention from her family. She had been correct, not in the way that she had hoped. The vespertine family did take notice of their youngest member that fateful day. Unfortunately for Blaze, they had not been as impressed as her reflection that morning.

Blaze had found a piece of herself that day hidden in the fabric. She couldn't bear to throw it away for a family she wasn't even sure loved her. She'd found it, what she wanted to do with her life and no matter how hard her parents dissaproved, she would never stop finding a piece of who she was in each piece of fabric she touched. Blaze was certain that she would change the future of fashion in the Captiol, that one day everyone would die to be dressed in one of her designs.

Shaking herself from her dreams Blaze smiles at the row of mirrors before her. Spinning around in her dress she giggles watching the ends flicker and shimmer beneath the lights. People just had to love the floor length gown that she had spent sleepless nights poured over. One day she would be appreciated for her talents, for her art and young Balze had a feeling, today would be that day.

"What have you done to your hair?!" Antonia Vespertine tried her best to avoid her daughter's spectacles but sometimes its was just too much.

Antonia and her husband had tried everything to get their youngest child to stop embarrassing them out in public. Nothing worked, she seemed to enjoy the scoldings yet the silent treatment would just fuel her up to try and get a reaction from her parents.

"You look great Blazer." Both women turn their attention to the eldest Vespertine child. "Do not encourage this behaviour Crassus." Antonia's usually sharp voice chides, heavy with disdain as Balze sends her brother a toothy grin in appreciation.

"Don't you like it mother?" Blaze coos amusedly running her slender fingers through her newly cut and dyed hair. "You look idiotic, you look cheap Blaze. Everything your father does for the reputation of our family means nothing when you go out like this, you're ruining our lives, no body will respect us when you parade around like a -"

"Mother!" As much as Blaze had resented her brother for never needing to earn the affection thrown his way, she appreciated that he was her number one fan. "Blaze needs to get going now otherwise she will be late." As much as she was grateful for the interruption Blaze couldn't help the burning in her heart. The bile raising as she curled her perfectly manicured fingers into fists. If she'd ever dared speak to her mother in such a way she'd have probably been disowned, locked away for an eternity in her room.

Swallowing thickly she watches as her birth giver plasters a sickly sweet smile on her bony face. "You're right I'm so sorry for upsetting you dear." Of course he gets the apology Blake thinks sourly as she refrains from rolling her eyes. She can't help but look at her mother expectantly only for a second although it's still a second too long. Crassus looks between the two and sighs.

"Come on Blazer, I'll escort you to school." Antonia's face pales and she just can't stop herself from stepping forwards and gripping her son's arm. "Please don't." She whispers feverishly, "don't be seen in-"

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