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Coriolanus and my father sit in his office for a while whereas my brother leads me up to my room. "What's that about?" I ask seeing the uncomfortable look on my brother's face. "I don't know, probably want to catch up and see he's alright. You do know that they're his godparents don't you?" I didn't know that actually. "Really?" I ask as we sit on my bed. "Our parents were best friends with his and once he lost them both mother really wanted to take him in. She fought with his grandmother who thought it'd be better for him to be with his remaining family."

I knew my mom loved him but I guess I knew why now. "Anyways forget all that, are you alright. We saw everything on the news." I run my hands through my hair before nodding, "it was definitely a scary experience and I don't actually know how I feel right now. I wasn't the closest with Arachne, I never really liked her but I didn't want her dead. It still doesn't feel real and I know you guys don't get it but I'm scared for the tributes. This isn't their fault. They shouldn't have been put in this position to begin with." He watches me a moment before he nods.

"I know, I know Blaze. This is all very unfair and whilst I don't agree with the hunger games you can't deny the district kids are-"

"Crass they've been ripped from their families, they're in terrible condition right now and they're expected to fight each other to the death. Who would remain sane during all this? They're in the fucking monkey house at the zoo. It's inhumane, they're just children. They don't deserve this and I shouldn't speak bad about her but Arachne was taunting her tribute. She was teasing her with the food, it's not right but I can understand why she snapped."

"I'm sorry, you're right. Of course you're right but what can we do? This is just the way things are and you better pretend like you're okay with it or they'll brand you a traitor and god knows what will happen to you then." I nod and swallow my tears. "I'm sorry for upsetting you, you should try and rest after the day you've had." He says kissing my head before he leaves me be.

I stay sat on my bed for a moment before I get up. I clean my makeup off first and make sure to use my extensive collection of skincare before venturing out of my room to try and find someone to help me out of my dress. "Coriolanus." He's just coming up the stairs as I leave my room. "Blaze is everything okay?" I nod, "could you please help me with my dress?" He looks taken aback for a second before he nod.

"Just like before can you take the peals off so I can change?" He nods again not saying a word. It's less awkward this time and I try to not react as his fingers brush against my skin. Once he's slipped the pearls off over my head I disappear behind my privacy screen and change into my night clothes. I was wearing a dusty blue silk set.

"Thanks." I hum taking them from him and hanging the outfit back up. "Are you okay?" I ask him as he continues to stand in silence and just stare at the ground. He doesn't answer with words but he eventually nods. "What did my dad want?" I ask making his head snap up. I notice a faint sense of alarm in his eyes but I don't comment on it. "He just wanted to catch up." I feel as though he's hiding something but I don't pry.

"Are you hungry?" I ask trying to change the tone of the conversation. "I suppose a little." I nod, "why don't you go and freshen up and I'll go down and see if there's anything for us to eat." He nods and leaves to his room for the night and I make my way down to the kitchen.

I find some leftover lasagna so I plate it up for him whilst I get started on cooking that stew for Reaper and Dill. Coriolanus is down surprisingly fast, he's in a pair of pyjamas that weirdly match mine and the ends of his hair are still wet. He thanks me as I hand him his food but then he watches me in interest. "What are you doing?" He asks after taking a bite. "I'm making stew for Reaper." His eyebrow raises, "do you think we'll be able to see them tomorrow?" I shrug but continue with what I'm doing, "I'm sure we should be even if it's just for a few minutes."

"What're you thinking about?" I ask as he's very deep in thought. "Dr Gaul had an assignment for me, I'm just thinking she'll probably still expect to get it tomorrow." I tie my hair up and nod, "are you okay to do it?" I ask watching him unsurely. "I'm fine." It sounds a bit forced but I don't push him. Instead I grab some paper and a pen and slide it over to him. "So what's this assignment?" I ask as he continues eating. "It was the idea I was telling you about, to get food to the tributes whilst they're in the arena." I nod in interest, "do you think we could send other things in too?" He looks up. "Like what?" I try and avoid his piercing gaze and resume on my cooking. "Say they get injured in the arena or whatever, what about being able to send them medicine?" He nods and tells me he likes that idea.

Finished with his food he washes his dish before selling back down. The two of us continue on in silence, he occasionally breaks it to ask me a question or my opinion on an idea. I'm done with the food yet he's still scribbling away. "I have some extra do you want it for Lucy Grey?" I ask as I begin to pack the stew with some rice into containers. "That'd be great thanks." I nod and finish up. "I'll heat these before we leave tomorrow and then the containers should keep them warm for most of the day." I explain as I put them away.

"I'm almost done if you want to go up." He says but I shake my head. "That's okay, I was gonna ask if there was anything Lucy Grey wanted specifically?" I know he doesn't have the resources to help her and I don't want her to suffer either. "The stew should be fine but she did mention liking sweet things." He shrugs as he continues focusing on his assignment.

As he finishes up I have begun making a cake for our tributes. It doesn't take me long and I much prefer baking to cooking anyways. "Do you need any help?" Coriolanus asks finally having finished with his work. "Uh you could cut the strawberries up if you'd like." I tell him as I nod towards the packet of fresh strawberries that were sat on the counter between us. He gets on that straight away and the two of us then work together in a surprising amount of fun. It did not feel like we'd just had a traumatic day before all of this.

"That looks amazing." He compliments once the chocolate cake is done. I just finished icing it and then adding the last of the strawberries to the top. "I think we should taste it before we serve it." He nods in agreement and so I cut us a slice each before packaging the rest away for tomorrow. He pours me a glass of milk and then the two of us simply sit together and enjoy.

"Do you think the games will still go on?" I ask Coriolanus who looks at me before shrugging, "I can't see Dr Gaul cancelling them." He tells me making me nod sadly. "So you made progress with Reaper then?" He asks lightly yet he was watching me intently. "I think so, he seems more open to me offering my help but I still don't think he'll be willing to do much for the cameras and forget that five minute interview."

"What about Lucy Grey?" I ask him wondering how she was dealing with all of this. "She said she might sing during her interview, if she gets a guitar." I nod I guess that was reasonable. "I'm sure if she sang again she'd get plenty of sponsors, that's if Gaul implements your ideas." We talk a while longer about our plans for our tributes before I end up yawning, the day catches up to me and even though I don't want to leave yet. I get up and bid Coriolanus a good night.

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