So....... Who the fuck are you?

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we can see Seki starting his stream

ThePerfectIdiot: You are late!

Seki: yes I know.

EditDotEXE: Let's goooo!

Seki ended up being late since he was busy reading Doujinshis

Seki: As I said before, I'm going to have to make some changes so today the stream will be Apex.

ThePerfectIdiot: Ok

Chuck(Mr.ghost): Let's kick some ass

Seki: Yes, like Chuck said, let's kick ass!

1 hour timeskip

Caue Makino: hi Seki sorry for being late, I was writing some fanfics

Seki: hi, there is no need to apologize for being late.

Caue makino: Oh are you playing Apex?

Seki: Yes, due to some problems I had to make some changes

Caue makino: Ok [smiling face emoji]

ThePerfectIdiot: I hate school.

Seki: who doesn't hate school.

Caue Makino: I don't know

ThePerfectIdiot: I'm watching this stream on my school computer

Chuck (Mr.ghost): be careful not to get caught and Seki help me here there are some guys who seem to be thirsty for blood

Caue Makino: at least they are bloodthirsty if you know what I mean

ThePerfectIdiot: life lessons with Caue makino

Time skip

ThePerfectIdiot: it's been 5 hours since you started streaming and still no wins

Seki: what, this is not as easy as it appears to be for some of you

EditDotEXE: skill issue

Chuck(MR.ghost):Man this is so hard

Caue Makino: That's what she said.

Seki: Makino said "That's what she said"


this would be Chuck(Mr

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this would be Chuck(Mr.ghost)'s reaction if he had fingers

Seki: Ok I'll end the live here. 

Caue Makino: Bye~

EditDotEXE: Cya

ThePerfectIdiot can't say goodbye since he was having physical education class

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