I want to sleep.....

10 0 0

Seki: [yawn] 

we can see our protagonist Seki waking up


And he went back to sleep

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..And he went back to sleep



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Just kidding

Seki looks at the alarm clock

Seki: 1 pm?

Seki: 1 pm?

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Seki: 1 pm! I'm late to start my stream, again.

Yes, as our dear protagonist said, this is not the first time he has been late to start a stream.

Seki runs to his computer to turn on the screen and see what was planned on the stream schedule to play today

but before he started streaming his vision noticed something strange

The time on his computer was showing 8 am

Seki: [takes out his cell phone to check the time]

Just like his computer, his cell phone was showing the time at 9 am and the date was Sunday and the problem is that Sunday and Monday are usually days when there is no stream on Seki's channel

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Just like his computer, his cell phone was showing the time at 9 am and the date was Sunday and the problem is that Sunday and Monday are usually days when there is no stream on Seki's channel

Seki: it seems like I rushed for nothing. but if I look at the positive side I can at least sleep knowing that I won't be late for anything.

Time skip

Seki: [lying on his bed]

Seki: I can't sleep

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Seki: I can't sleep.

Seki was facing a problem that happens to a lot of people and this problem I call ''I ended up waking up but I can't go back to sleep''

Seki: [looking at the ceiling]

every 5 seconds that passed Seki would blink thinking about life to see if that would distract his mind so he could fall into a deep and comfortable sleep

But as everyone knows, it's not that easy to be distracted when you want to be distracted

2 hours passed and Seki was in an unconscious mode but at the same time conscious he was almost falling asleep completely

Seki: [almost asleep]


Seki heard a voice near him

Voice: are you conscious?

Seki opened his eyes to look at the person who was talking to him

The voice noticing that Seki opened his eyes, she said

Voice: Hello~

Seki: hi, I don't want to be rude but could you let me sleep

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Seki: hi, I don't want to be rude but could you let me sleep. [he said tiredly]

Voice: Ok~ [told you happily without any complaints]

Seki: Thank yo......[he slept]



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