The maid

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Seki: [singing mentally]

Seki is buying groceries

Seki: hmmm [thinking] this ramen looks good but this one here is cheaper but this one has a discount.

Seki was thinking about what ramen to buy to eat tonight

Seki was focused but something took him out of focus

Seki: hm?

Seki: (A maid?) [thought Seki]

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Seki: (A maid?) [thought Seki]

The maid looked at Seki



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Seki: (???)

Seki: (???)

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After meeting the Maid he went to the cashier to pay for his purchases

Cashier: this will be $58.97

Seki: here [Seki said, giving $60]

Cashier: here is the change [Gave change of $1.03]

A small time skip

Seki was walking with shopping bags in his hand as he went to another ''store''

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