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I took my steps slowly up the stairs to Natalie's apartment, careful not to trip on the suitcase trailing me. Why did she have to live on the fifth floor, my god. When I finally reached the level she lived on, I followed the hall of doors till I arrived at hers, 508.

"Nat!" I yelled, walking through the door without a knock.

"In here!" I heard her voice yell back, coming from her room.

I followed the noise, holding my suitcase behind me.

"Almost ready?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said, stuffing her undergarments in her third suitcase.

Me and Natalie have been best friends since we were freshman in high school, now we're freshman in college. I had been accepted into University of Chicago, but Natalie wasn't. I honestly have no idea how me and Nat are best friends, considering we're exact opposites. Natalie struggled in school, by choice. She would rather party and be lazy then do her work, effecting in her not getting into a university.

I leave for college in two months, so the two of us got together and planned a trip to England for a month, before I had to leave for college. I lived with my parents and my sister in their house, but I usually stayed with Natalie, who has lived in an apartment for about a year now because her parents caught her coming home intoxicated.

"We're going to miss our flight, Nat!" I pushed, hurrying her.

"I'm coming Bella, chill." She bit, pacing back and forth between her bathroom and suitcase.

After she finally finished packing her last suitcase, we took several trips down the stairs of her apartment to get all her bags down to the taxi.

"I'm so excited!" She said, grinning from ear to ear as we jumped into the taxi.

When we arrived at the airport, both of us jumped out and grabbed out bags. It took about thirty minutes to check our bags and get through security to our gate.

"Looks like nobody is going to be with us on the flight," Nat said, making my stomach churn a little.

Why was nobody at our gate? Was Europe not a popular place to go anymore? Are we at the wrong gate?

"Flight 86 to London, England is now boarding."

So, we're in the right place. But, why was nobody here?

Me and Nat were the first ones to board the plane. The others who followed were all men, there were no families and only two girls, who were with the men. All the guys were buff, covered in tattoos, and looked dangerous.

"What the hell?" Nat said, noticing the people we were traveling with.

7 Hours and Forty-Five Minutes Later

"Bella, we're here." Natalie shook my arm.

I jumped up, excitement taking over every feature of my face. We're here, in London! Me and Nat have waited months for this trip, and we're finally here!

Little did I know, this would be the trip the ruined my life.


Author's Note: Hey guys, this is chapter one of "Breath Me In." I hope you enjoy this story, please comment and let me know if I need to change anything or tell me how the story is! (PS: Arabella Taylor is played by Danielle Campbell, pic in media bar)

xoxo Kate

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