Chapter 81 - Oblivious.

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I was sitting in front of my computer, I had nothing to do and my head was resting on top of my arms, leaning on the table as I closed my eye.

"Crystal!" Anti entered the computer room, glancing at me as I raised my head to look at him. "Alona... Even better. Do you mind coming to my office?" He smiled bitterly.

I sighed in return, nodding. I knew that expression too well by now.

The man was standing by his desk when I entered the office, I didn't think twice before I sat down on the couch, watching the demon as he sat beside me. He didn't say a word and he took my hand in his, turning my arm so the inner side faced him and traced my skin with his knife. I winced, looking away when he cut my arm.

The man turned to me all of a sudden, placing his bloody palm on my forehead before I felt something click in my mind. He sighed, returning to my arm as he leaned his head against my shoulder.

"How is yOur wouNd?" I asked.

"Still hurts, but I've been through worse..." He noted, applying more pressure onto the blade before he stopped again. "I still remember the time you used to hate people's touch to the point it made you panic." He noted.

"Still dOes." I shrugged, biting my lip when he made a new cut. "I gueSs I just gotten useD to you and the otheRs?" I added.

"Probably." The man got up, standing in front of me and leaning over while he took my other arm.

"The doC won't be hapPy you're moving aroUnd so much." I noted.

"Well, he's not here and can't choose how I live my life." Anti smirked, not even avoiding the Septiceye tattoo as he cut along it.

"It's really wEird though...." I sighed, staring at the ceiling. "I undersTand physical contact as a simple way of showiNg affection... and I can't help buT want it... but it's so oddlY terrifying."

"It's probably because of what we are... It's weird to have a body after so many years of not even being physical." He noted but stopped when I looked at him.

"You feEl that waY as well?" I asked.

"Ye- You're stuck in honesty mode again?" He joked, glancing away before he run his knife along my arm again.

"I guEss so." I chuckled.

I wanted to ask about Chase, but I knew that was the main reason the man was so upset. I sighed, letting the thoughts run through my mind when they've came to a stop.

"You've gotten quiet." Anti noted, interlocking his fingers with mine as he pressed the blade against my skin.

"mAster?" I muttered, the demon looked up at me.

"Yeah?" He hummed, dragging his thumb over the fresh cuts.

"I like yOu." I noted.

"I know." He smiled, brushing a strand of hair away from my face before he leaned closer and grabbed my chin, placing a kiss on my forehead. He sat down beside me, sighing. "You were right, I probably shouldn't move around... The wound started hurting so much." He complained.

"Told yoU." I smiled. "How arE you?" I tilted my head, watching the demon who was silently observing his knife.

"Better... I guess." He sighed, leaning his shoulder against mine. "You should rest."

I sighed, closing my eye when I felt something soft against my cheek. I realized it was a kiss just before I passed out.


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