Chapter 4

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        We leave Hunters office and I walk behind him. Holy back muscles! Can he be anymore perfect? I notice marks on his upper arms and shoulder blades, the rest is covered by his wife beater, but I don't say anything because I don't know him. I just continue walking down the hallway and we take a right into a large gym area. 

The gym has every exercise machine you could think of. The ceilings are high and full of ceiling fans. There are a few people on the bikes, treadmills, and elliptical. There is upbeat music playing. I get a bit self conscious about myself so I, once again, adjust my tank top and follow him to the back of the room and there is a door there. He opens the door with pass-code. I stand outside of the door unsure if he wanted me to enter. "You coming?" He asks as he turns around realizing I wasn't following him anymore. I blush and follow him into the room.

It was a smaller version of the big gym out there with only a couple machines along the walls. "Where should I put my bag?" I ask and I show him my small gym bag.

"Just put it next to the door." He says looking at me through the mirror as he takes his top off. Oh. My. God. I clenched my thighs together as heat grows in my stomach and I throw the bag by the door. I've never been so turned on in my life. "You ready?" He asks still looking at me through the mirror as I walk towards him. I nod

"What are we going to be doing first?" I finally reach where he is and he turns around and I have to look up at him. 

"We are going to stretch so you don't hurt yourself. Okay?" I nod and he smiles and plops on the floor like a child. I laugh and I follow in suit. He gets into a v stretch and I just copy the moves he does. After we get done doing that, he goes to the right side of the room and hooks up his phone to the stereo and puts on music. "Do you have a specific station you listen to on Pandora?" 

"No. Anything is fine" I say as I stand awkwardly stand in the middle of the room. "What are we doing next?" I ask him.

"You'll see." Earned It by The Weeknd came on. I blushed. He smirked seeing my cheeks cherry red. 

"Alright, so we are going to start on the treadmill. You will walk for one minute, jog for one minute, and sprint for 30 seconds. Sound good?" He asks and I nod. "The thing you have to remember is that this is a mind over matter thing. Your body will feel like it doesn't want to continue, but your mind will have to step in and continue to push your body, okay?" I nod again. "We will do this drill five times with a twenty second break in between each drill and the walking time will go down ten seconds each drill." I pale. I don't know if I can do this, but I promised Jen. 

"Okay." He brings me to one of the treadmills in the room and he starts it up and I straddle the machine and put my water bottle in the holder. He stands in front of the treadmill and tells me to step on to it.

"No matter what just don't give up okay?" He says with sincerity as his grey eyes stare into mine.  

"I'll try." I say as I keep walking. 

He walks around the treadmill slowly and I feel self conscious. "Now I'm going to turn the treadmill up and you have to jog." I nod as a start to feel a little flushed and he turns it up by a remote so I start a jog. He still stands behind me and I can feel his stare. The treadmill I'm on isn't in front of a mirror so I can't see him. "You're doing good darlin'" He says with a bit of a southern slang. I am literally so irritated with the sexual frustration built up inside of me within the last thirty minutes. I start breathing hard. He finally walks in front of me again.  "I am going to turn it up more and you are going to sprint." He speaks in a commanding voice. I nearly fell off of the treadmill. 'Keep steady ' I say in my head. 

"Now!" He shouts as his eyes pierce mine and I start sprinting. He seems really demanding when he isn't goofing around with me, but I kinda like it. 


"All done!" He exclaims and pats my back and hands me my water bottle. I literally sound like I ran for a year non stop. "Control your breathing," he says as he grabs a yoga mat from a closet by the stereo. He changes the station to something more softer. "I went out last night and bought a yoga mat so you can do your cool down." He says as he rolls the light purple mat out in front of me.

"How much was it? I can pay you back. I'll go grab my wallet." I turn around and jog over to my bag and as I start to unzip my bag, I feel hands on my hips and he pulls me flush to him. I gasp as I feel his body on mine and his breath on my neck.

"Don't worry about it. It was my treat, darlin'" He whispers and goosebumps explode on my skin. Why did I have to get such a sèx god as an instructor? He slowly drags his hands down my arms and wraps his hands around mine to loosen the grip on bag and it drops to the floor. He then grabs my forearms and turns me around. "One moment." He turns off all the lights and there are a few sky lights so it keeps a dim lighting in the room. "It helps relax your mind." He grabs my hand and leads me to the yoga mat. I take off my shoes and we do the stretches and ab workouts that he planned and by the end of it all I'm exhausted. 

"We are done for the day." He holds a hand out for me to take and I grab it. My hand fits in his perfectly to sound a bit corny to say the least. "I have your number from the information sheet and I will contact you later today with a schedule. Let me know if any of the dates don't work." I nod and smile at him.

"Thanks, Hunter." I give him a hug and turn around after rolling my yoga mat up and leave. I feel his stare on me as the door closes


Hi guys! Sorry its been so long since I've updated! School is gross, but now it's summer break so I'm happy! Please comment, vote, and share with people so this story gets more attention! See you guys soon!

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