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I stare at the gun currently pointed at my head before returning my eyes to the man pointing it at me. I smile and laugh at the absurdity of it. Did they really not think I was prepared for this?

I grab his arm that's currently holding the gun and knock it away. A shot rings out from where my abrupt movement made him pull the trigger. The bullet lands in the wall on the other side of the room, pretty close to Krueger's head. Whoops.

I use my right leg to knock his left knee out from under him and use his own momentum to pin him to the desk. He's still clutching his gun, but the angle won't let him aim it at me.

I take my machete and hold it against the back of his neck. I look behind me at Krueger, wondering why he isn't trying to help his friend. He's still standing in the same spot, with a wide grin on his face as he watches me. Crazy pants. I focus my attention back on the man I have pinned.

"I know Ciaccia is a touchy subject for you, so I'll let your threat slide. Just this once." I take the gun from his hand and tuck it into the back of my skirt before removing my machete from his neck and standing up straight, letting him do the same. "Now, I have valuable information on his operations that I know you've been after. You help me and I'll help you. Deal?"

He looks at me with a scowl before his face evens out and a small smile pulls at his lips. The man is handsome. He has messy brown hair and intoxicating hazel eyes, framed by thick dark lashes. Why do men always get the best lashes? It's so wasteful.

"Fine, you have a deal. We'll exchange information, just not right now. Let's set up a meeting time and place. Somewhere more private and comfortable." He says with a lifted brow. Well that was easy.

"That works for me. Tomorrow, six pm, at the old warehouse on Crescent Valley." I'll let him decide to wait for information, but he's crap out of luck if he thinks I'll let him choose when and where. This isn't my first rodeo.

"Sure, it's a deal." He says with a smug look on his face. I narrow my eyes at him. Why is he so smug?

"See you tomorrow." I say as I turn around and head toward the door.

Krueger steps in front of me and snatches me into his arms. He captures my lips with his in a consuming kiss. I melt into him. I hear a faint growl from behind, but ignore it. I pull away from Krueger and smile at him.

"I hope I don't end up having to kill you." I tell him, sincerely. He just grins even bigger while stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"What do you think about a July wedding?" He asks me with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Too hot. I prefer fall. Something outdoors and with a black color scheme. Maybe Halloween themed." I don't know why I'm entertaining him. There's just something about him that makes me want to hold on to him with both hands. I know if I end up having to kill him and his friends, a small part of me is going to be upset about it.

"That sounds perfect, Skittles." He tells me with a smack on the lips. I shake my head with a smile on my face as I step around him to leave.

I get out the door and make my way back downstairs into the chaos of Void. I wish I could stay to join in on the fun, but I've already allowed myself to get sidetracked once tonight. Maybe if everything works out the way I'm hoping it does, I'll be able to come here often and partake in the atmosphere. Fingers crossed.

Right before I get to the exit, I look back. I peer up at the balcony and see both of them watching me. Krueger is grinning at me while adjusting himself in his pants. Hannibal is on the phone and has a smirk on his face. He's trouble. Sexy trouble, but still trouble. I'll have to watch out for him.

I turn away and leave the building. I go across the street and head toward my custom pink, Lykan HyperSport, sports car. My baby cost me a huge penny, but it was definitely worth it. It's sleek, sexy, and has helped me get away on many occasions.

I'm almost to my car when I hear a quiet whistling sound and feel a sudden sharp prick in my back. I jolt to a stop. How did I forget that there was a third man in their group?

Probably because you got distracted by their sexiness. Rookie move, Rogue.

I turn around on shaky legs and see the third musketeer standing there. He's just as tall as the other two. He has a quiet intensity about him, with dark black hair and matching dark eyes. He's aiming a tranq gun at me. This must be Myers.

"Nothing personal, doll." He tells me as he steps closer and shoots me again, in the leg this time.

The world starts to spin before black consumes the edges of my vision. I lose feeling all over and my legs cave out from under me. Before I can fall to the asphalt, He wraps his arms around me and catches me. He lifts me up, bridal style.

"Mother trucker!" I slur. He chuckles and holds me tighter to his chest.

My head lolls to the side as I lose consciousness. Stupid men and their stupid pretty faces.

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