Chapter 25: The Franky Family

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"What?! You can't fix the Going Merry! Why not?!" Luffy yelled at the shipwrights. "I thought all of you were supposed to be awesome shipwrights! Don't worry about the money, look! We got plenty!!" Luffy slapped the top of a briefcase once more.

"It's not about the money son. No matter how much you pay, that ship can't be restored to how she used to be. To be honest, I'm impressed you were able to get that old girl this far, considering the condition she's currently in." Nami question what the hell Kaku meant by his words.

"Do you know what the keel is, immoral girl?" Polly spoke up.

"Immor— The thing at the bottom of the boat?" Nami questioned the man.

"Yeah. That's the most important piece of lumber on the ship." Polly went on to explain how the keel holds the ship together. "When it's severely damaged, that's the end of it. You can't just replace it with a new one. That would be the same as building a new ship from scratch. That's the reason we, or anyone, won't be able to fix her. Your ship just a bunch of wood, stuck together, awaiting her end."

"HEY YOU! DON'T SAY SUCH HORRIBLE THINGS!" Nami yelled at the man.

"Horrible. But it's the truth." Polly shrugged lightly.

Luffy asked them to do just that, build another Going Merry. Hattori explained that they could, but it wouldn't be the same as the Merry and the crew would be able to tell the difference.

"Well. Your ship is on her last legs. Why don't you look at this to be an opportunity. You happen to be in the best place in the world to buy a new ship. You have money right? I understand that your ship was a carvel. Sailing on the Grand Line in an old ship like that would be difficult to begin with." Iceburg explained.

"No way, we aren't getting a new ship." Luffy said calmly.

"Luffy..." Nami sympathized with her captain.

"The Merry is..." Luffy yelled out to the shipwrights. "THE GOING MERRY IS THE SHIP OF THE STRAW HAT PIRATES!! If she's repaired, she'll sail! You'll see, she got us here today didn't she?! And you tell us out of no where she can't sail anymore?? I won't believe that, I can't—"

"LUFFY THAT'S ENOUGH!" (Y/N) yelled at her captain, but didn't look at him. "You should be ashamed of yourself, captain. You know as well as I, Merry's life with us is over." (Y/N) looked up at Luffy, tears pouring from her (e/c) eyes. "Why can't you see that, Luffy?!"

"(Y/N)... I.." Luffy got cut off by Iceburg.

"This discussion is over now. Just think about it. If you decide to buy a ship, let me know. My people can help. If you're able to spend 300 million, we can build a state of the art ship for you. Kalifa!"

Kalifa handed Luffy a paper. "Here. If you look this over please. It's a catalog of our new and our used models. Use it as a price reference."

"Hey! Iceburg!" A man walked up to the group. "There's a person out front who wants to see you."

Kalifa informed Iceburg that there shouldn't be anyone on his appointment schedule for today which the man responded quickly. "It looks like It's the World Government officials again. Should I tell them you're unavailable?"

"Yes please. Say I'm gone. By the way Lulu. You've got quit a case of bed head." Iceberg pointed out to the man who tried to fix the spiked hair coming from his head, but it swapped sides.

"Hold it right there, Iceburg." A government official spoke out to the man. "Looks like you're here after all."

"Hey! You three need to hide!" Polly whispered out to the pirates. "Government Officials are here."

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