Chapter 48: Shark Submerge III

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(Y/N) peacefully read the book she got from the library on the swing while the Sunny sailed through icebergs. Her peace was ended abruptly when she heard a loud bang from behind the ship. "What the hell was that?!" (Y/N) got up from the swing, quickly putting the book in her bag.

"SANJI LOOK OUT!" Nami yelled at the blonde steering the helm. "HARD TO PORT!"

(Y/N) felt the ship change directions before walking up to join her crew in front of her. "What's happening guys?"

Nami and Sanji left the helm to explain what they saw to the crew. "The icebergs are moving on their own?" Usopp questioned Nami's suspicions.

"Come on. Don't be ridiculous. There's no way that could happen." Zoro quickly shot down his navigator's claims.

Robin turned back to the swordsman. "Ridiculous or not, something strange is going on here."

"She's right." Nami spoke up making everyone look at her in confusion. "They are moving and not in the same direction of the sea current. Whatever's making it happen, isn't natural."

"How is something like that even possibility?!" Long nose tried to shoot down Nami's explanation yet again.

"Come onnn. You don't really expect us to believe this crap?!" Franky's words made Nami irritated.

"Fine! See for yourself." Nami turned back to Sanji, commanding the man to show the crew. The love-sick cook quickly agreed and ran back up to the helm. The crew followed after Sanji, standing on the upper deck as the ship stirred right.

(Y/N) gasped in shock when she saw two large icebergs almost immediately appear in front them, blocking the Sunny's course. 'No way...' Sanji steered the Sunny towards the left and yet another iceberg quickly blocked her path. 'This is unreal!'

"Well would ya look at that. Cheeky little bastards." Franky's words made (Y/N) look at him in confusion.

(Y/N)'s attention was quickly grabbed by the swordsman leaping through the air. "What the hell is he doing??" The (h/c) haired woman's jaw dropped when the swordsman sliced the gigantic iceberg in half. "WHAT THE HELL?!!" (Y/N) shielded her face from the cold wind that blew from the attack.

Zoro looked down at her with confusion on his face. "What? I thought you've seen my fight before?"

"Uhh yeah. I've seen you fight off petty marines, but never pull a stunt like that!" (Y/N)'s eyes shined brightly with admiration for the swordsman. "Please teach me how to do something that cool!!"

Zoro smiled at her words. "Sure. I'll give you some pointers after we're out of this mess."

(Y/N) was filled with excitement, but Usopp quickly brought her back from Cloud Nine with his suspensions. "If I haven't seen it, I wouldn't believe it. It's almost like they're making a path."

"And yet they're normal icebergs, very strange indeed." Robin pondered aloud.

"Ever since that run in we had with the marines, it's like there's some sort of force trying to guide us to a specific place." Nami's words caught (Y/N)'s attention.

"There's somethings I want to point out." The crew looked at the (h/c) haired woman in confusion. "Those marine battle ships back there looked odd to me. I wasn't able to place my finger on it, but I could have swore they weren't actual marines... That, or their ships were poorly built. And on top of everything, there is no way these gigantic iceberg could move on their own and so easily. I believe we all know that. What I'm trying to say is that: I have reason to believe whoever those castaways back there mentioned 'dropping us off' to, is most likely the culprit behind all of this."

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