Chapter 55: The Humming Swordsman

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Robin, Franky and (Y/N) successfully made it outside on a long bridge. Unfortunately, they are now missing their captain and have a horde of Zombie Generals chasing after them. The three heard screams from up above. As they looked up, they saw a coffin wrapping in spiderweb traveling on a large chain conveyor belt.

"Is that a coffin?!" Franky questioned the sight.

"That voice! It's Luffy!" Robin exclaim as (Y/N) flew after the coffin.

(Y/N) pulled on the web, but it was no use. "Damn this stupid spider web!!" (Y/N) huffed a bit as she struggled to pull the web. 'Ugh I can feel myself getting tired from all this flying.' (Y/N) thought as now tried to pull the coffin off the chain, but she felt herself begin to faint from exhaustion. (Y/N)'s grasp on the coffin began to fall and so did the woman. Thankfully, Franky caught her before she hit the bridge. (Y/N) caught her breath before looking up at Franky. "Thanks.."

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Franky scolded at the woman, but before she could answer, the cyborg turned his attention back to the coffin. "Come on, Robin! After him!"

"Right!" Robin yelled back and the two began running.

Franky threw the exhausted (Y/N) over his shoulder as he yelled for his captain. "What are you doing inside that box, dumbass?! Why'd you go and get yourself caught like that?!! Hey! Straw Hat!!"

"That's far enough!" (Y/N) heard a loud voice behind her as her ride abruptly stopped.

"Hey! Put me down!! I'll be fine!" (Y/N) yelled at the cyborg, but got no response.

The (h/c) haired woman heard an evil laugh before the voice spoke again. "Hey! Hey! Monkey, Monkey, Monkey!! Hahahaha! All those stories you heard about spider monkies, you're looking at one! It's me!!"

"A giant spider?!" Robin stated in disbelief at the creature before her.

"Even for a monkey, that's damn big! It's a monster." Franky yelled out.

(Y/N) shivered from her crew mates words. "Never mind. I'm fine being up here. Please don't put me down, thanks."

Luffy's yells and screams were heard before the spider monkey spoke again. "Ah got another one!"

"It sounds like it hit the floor. Damn ittt. What are you punks gonna do to him?!" Franky angrily questioned the spider monkey.

"Hee. Oh don't worry, you'll find out soon enough! Since you're gonna be next! But I'll be more worried about myself if I were you!" (Y/N) screamed in fear when she watched Zombie Generals walk up behind them. "You got me, in front of you, and all the warrior zombies closing in from behind. There's no escape! Prepare for annihilation!!"

Robin and Franky stared down the spider money in front of them while (Y/N) watched the Zombie generals slowly walk towards her and her crew mates. Frank 'tsk'ed at the situation they found themselves in before talking. "I see. So that's what happened to him. You captured our crew mates, didn't ya? And carried them behind that wall like with Straw Hat."

"Monkey! Monkeyy! Ahahaha! That's correct. And just wait! Because any second now, you'll be suffering the same fate! Zombie Generals in the front, Zombie Generals behind... I give up if I were you."

"Wether your a dumbass monkey or a dumbass spider, it looks like that big sticky web that caught the Sunny when we came here was your work. If I'm not mistaken?" Franky sassed the spider monkey. "In other words, you were after us from the beginning. That must mean you had us under watch, huh?"

The spider monkey laughed at the cyborg. "Yep! Once on Thriller Bark, there's no hiding. Mistress Perona's Ghost Network sees all, knows all, and tells all! Frankly, you were doomed from the start."

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