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Emmy Rossum as Aria Mayfield
the babysitter

Emmy Rossum as Aria Mayfieldthe babysitter

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Jeff Goldblum as Dr. Ian Malcolm
the chaotician

 Ian Malcolmthe chaotician

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Laura Dern as Dr. Ellie Sattler
the paleobotanist

 Ellie Sattlerthe paleobotanist

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Sam Neill as Dr. Alan Grant
the paleontologist

 Alan Grantthe paleontologist

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Richard Attenborough as John Hammond
Ariana Richards as Lex Murphy
Joseph Mazzello as Tim Murphy
Martin Ferrero as Donald Gennaro
and the rest of the Jurassic Park cast


this book isn't marked as mature
but there will be violence and swearing so be prepared for that my lovies

jurassic park brrrr dinosaurs brrrrr brainrot! jeff goldblum is my own perfect sexy weirdo

man destroys god || i. malcolmWhere stories live. Discover now