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Nick periodically updated their InGen contact as Aria sat with her head between her knees, trying not to throw up. She'd eaten nothing but two CLIF bars in the past two days, spent almost the majority of it running, and was more stressed than she'd ever been in her life.

Ian's voice rang out through the clearing and Aria almost thought she imagined it. He yelled again. She stood up and ran to the glass door to meet him. Nick protested, worried that there might be dinosaurs still chasing the rest of their group.

"Nick! Nick Van Owen?"

"Ian!" Aria yelled, reaching the door.

"Aria?" Ian's voice broke, and he ran towards her as she pushed open the glass door.

The silence of the night was shattered by the screech of a Velociraptor. It pounced on Sarah and she fell right to the ground, screaming.

Ian pushed Kelly into Aria's arms and shoved the two back to the door. Aria didn't wait a second as she dragged Kelly to the door, who was yelling for her dad.

"He'll be right behind us, Kelly, let's go!"

The girl was surprisingly strong for her age — a result of the gymnastics — and broke from Aria's grasp. Aria chased after her and the two rejoined Ian and the now-escaped Sarah.

Ian tried to distract the raptor, yelling at his girls to get inside. "Anywhere, go!"

They ran to a different door, but two raptors came leaping towards them. Aria slammed the door shut, narrowly missing their jaws. The door shook as the dinosaurs threw themselves at it to break inside.

They started to dig below the door and Sarah began digging at the same rate, on the other side of the shed. Kelly helped her, and Aria looked around for a different exit. "If we go outside again, we're just back out there with them!" She hissed at the others. They kept digging, not wanting to be trapped inside. Aria groaned and ran over to them to help. They helped Kelly to start climbing out, but a fourth Velociraptor smashed into the wall next to their escape route. Aria bolted to the beams near the other wall and started climbing. The others followed.

She heard a second door open, and looked down through the dimly lit beams. Ian. "Ian!" She screamed. "Climb, now!"

One of the raptors broke inside, narrowly missing his foot as he climbed up the beams. Kelly slowly walked to a metal beam. A gymnastics bar. Of course. "Kelly, no, come back here. This isn't the time, come on!" Aria warned.

Kelly began spinning around the bar, and kicked an approaching Raptor in the head, sending it through the poorly made wooden wall.

She dropped to the ground, and Ian hurried down to the join her. "The school cut you from the team?" He asked, bewildered.

"Get out of here!" Sarah screamed.

"It's not over, let's get to Nick!" Aria started climbing down and the three of them ran outside.

Sarah refused, climbing even higher. "Come on, really?" Aria sighed. Ian wrapped his arm around her, kissing the top of her head.

Moments later, Sarah fell through a window and landed right on top of them. The others helped her up as the sound of an approaching helicopter filled the air. They sighed in relief, but they still weren't safe.

"Nick." Aria whispered, her eyes frantically scanning the clearing for the building he was supposedly still in.

He ran outside, and crashed into Aria, hugging her fiercely. "They're here, we're good." The five of them boarded the helicopter and sat in an exhausted silence as the island slowly shrunk into the distance.

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