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Aria was walking through the city, on her way to get groceries when her roommate caught up to her and insisted she come straight home. She fought him on it initially but gave in when he said it was urgent. He wouldn't tell her until they got home, which was increasingly frustrating for the entire twenty-minute walk. 

Yes, home. Nick Van Owen and Aria Mayfield were roommates, though both were in their thirties. They were best friends and partners in their work, it was best for both of them.

She hurried up the stairs and shut the door behind her. "Something had better be seriously wrong. We need groceries, and I just walked halfway there for you to drag me back."

Nick said nothing, simply sinking into the couch.

"Oh, my god, what's wrong?" Aria rushed to his side.

"There's a job."

"Oh, great! Where?"

"Not great, Ari. It's John Hammond."

Aria's blood turned to ice. "What does he want?" She asked slowly.

"There's this island, the... factory site, I guess you could call it. He wants—"

"No." Aria cut him off, walking towards the kitchen to dig something, anything out of the fridge. "I'm not going back there."

"He isn't asking you to. He knew you would say no so he's just invited me." Aria whipped her head back to Nick. "But I told him I'll get back to him! I wanted to ask you first."

"I'm not invited? What the hell, John?" Aria muttered under her breath. "Nick, it's obviously your choice. But I'm telling you, it's like nothing you've ever seen. And not in a good way. It's unimaginable, incomparable."

Nick thought for a while, then spoke. "Hammond has invited me over to talk it through in person, on Saturday. I'll go and talk to him about it before I decide."

"Oh, and Nick?" Aria called out to her roommate. He looked up. "I'm coming with you if you go. There's no way in Hell I'm letting you do that alone."

Nick grinned. He got up and headed to the door. "I knew you'd say something like that. I'll be right back, I'm getting those groceries!" He flew out the door and slammed it behind him.

Aria sank onto the couch. She was going back. Well, not exactly, but sort of. As much as her mind screamed at her not to, she knew they would need someone there who knew what they were dealing with.

Three days later, Aria was standing at the bus station, her day bag packed and slung over her shoulder. The two friends boarded together, getting comfortable for the long drive to Hammond's mansion.

They stepped out of the bus hours later, ready to begin their short walk to Hammond's home.

"I called him before we left, he said he had a room for me to stay in for the night." Nick said. "I didn't mention you for fear of him canceling. It'll be a nice surprise, he'll love it."

Aria rolled her eyes. Love it, she thought. Yeah, right.

Aria had spent the first year after the Isla Nublar incident speaking out against InGen, even after the NDA. She didn't think John would be exactly happy to see her. Of course, she'd fallen back into silence once she realized how badly it all had turned out for Dr. Malcolm. Well, Mr. Malcolm now.

Nick waltzed right up to the door and knocked. Hammond's butler answered, and let them in. Aria heard a thundering of footsteps from upstairs, then the familiar sound of arguing siblings.

"Move, Tim!"

"I'm gonna get there first!"

Sure enough, Tim Murphy came flying down the stairs and into Aria's arms. She nearly fell over from the force, but stood her ground. "Oh, Timmy!" She held him tight. Lex arrived shortly after, smiling brightly. Aria let go of Tim and reached her arms out to Lex. "Look how you've grown, Lex! You're so beautiful. You're, what, sixteen?"

Lex looked away, avoiding the compliments. Aria grabbed her and pulled her into a hug anyway. Tim was still holding on. "And you, little guy! Thirteen? That's a big number, kiddo."

Both kids let go, and Aria fixed her outfit. Nick gave her a look and nodded towards a door that the butler was now standing at. Aria sighed. "Time for the big reveal."

The butler opened the door, and Nick walked in first. Aria heard Hammond's excited voice before she saw him. When she came into view, a thousand emotions crossed the old man's face. "Miss Mayfield. How lovely to see you."

He didn't mean it, but he was good at pretending. He motioned for them to sit across from him.

He moved a few papers around on the table, but didn't make any moves to show them to the journalists. "I assume you know why you're here. There's a second island, with more dinosaurs. InGen's investors are planning on taking them off that island and bringing them here, to the  continental United States. A park in San Diego. I don't believe I have to tell either of you, definitely not you, Miss Mayfield, why that absolutely cannot happen."

Nick and Aria both nodded, waiting for John to continue.

"I need you to go in there, document the dinosaurs in their habitat, and show the world that they should not be moved. I don't want these animals in captivity."

Aria barely refrained from rolling her eyes. She knew John had good intentions, but he literally made the dinosaurs to keep them in captivity. To his credit, this San Diego thing sounded way different than Isla Nublar.

"This is why I need you, Mr. Van Owen, as someone who has seen combat, to go in there and help me. As an environmentalist, I'm sure you understand."

Nick pursed his lips. "We go together. I don't do jobs without my journalist."

Hammond smiled lightly. "No, I don't suppose you do. Miss Mayfield, you may join the team if you wish."

Aria couldn't believe she was saying it. "I'm going."

"We can speak more in the morning, I'm sure you're tired so I'll let you have some dinner and retreat to your rooms. Aria, I must say I wasn't expecting you. I can arrange for another room to be prepared, but it won't be until after dinner."

Aria smiled. Whatever her feelings towards John were, he was just an old man deep down. "That'll be perfect, thank you."


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