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" Naruto wait " I said running outside the room . He didn't stop " don't u wanna talk to your friend at least . That made him stop . It was probably the place where No one entered. it was the emargacy exit " why would u take stears when there is eliveter " " it's nun of your business... Sasuke " he said that to ! Me ! " I'm your friend . I have every right to ask u what ever I want ".

" sasuke... I'm leaving " he said while turning half way . I could just see his half face and can say that he is crying " are crying naru- " " no I'm not " " tell me what happen to both of you ?"  " it's nothing " " I know something is troubling u . Tell me what's it ".

He sat on the steps so did I . I put my hands on his shoulder " Naruto " " sasuke... I'm going abroad... I won't come back before at least 2 years  "  "why... ! Are u gone nuts again . No no no u !are! Gone nuts " " I'm sirius sasuke " " but why are u doing this?. Didn't u wanna tell hinata that u like her . Didn't u wanna Marr- " " no.. I don't wanna "  " are u even a human being Naruto . I gave u so much time u know . Sakura was boiling with anger and wanted to come early .u know how hard it was to stop her . and yet u just wasted your time there "  " no I didn't waste any of your time... I told her that's why... that's why she wasn't answering u guys . " he said that and started crying " I-i don't want to see her more hurt because of me... and it's too late now . u know what she asked me . she asked to kill her . she questioned me that why didn't I kill her..."  he wiped his tears and looked at me straight .

" I leaving today... At night and I'm sure that I won't come back so soon {sobbingly} by sasuke And wait... tell her take care of yourself . Forget the past and if she can tell her to forgive me and for last good bye " those were his last words before leaving " can I drop u to the airport ? "  " of course you can by... Sasuke "  he shouted from downstairs .


I  came back to the room but hinata was still in trouma . It was late at night so I dropped Sakura and hinata to there home and went to pick Naruto . when reached the airport Then I helped him remove the luggage from the car " r u sure about this Naruto "  "mm hmm... well then by see u when u have kids sasuke " " hey don't say that.

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