Chapter 15

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6.5k?! And just yesterday, there were 5.8k! You all are crazy!


Jax was about to open his door, and he noticed something in the corner of his eye


No one's POV:

He turned around to take a better look at what he saw.

He was confused by what he saw.

The door to the room that's diagonally across from his was slightly open, which was odd, since it wasn't entered in quite some time... unless...

Jax walked closer to Y/N's room door and was about to reach for the door knob, but he hesitated.

He shook his head and opened the door.

It's been some time since anyone visited her, since you could see some layers of dust covering some surfaces.

He walked up to her bed and looked at her with furrowed brows.

"How has it been almost 4 months.. and you're still unconscious.. how could one fall deal so much damage.." Jax mumbled.

He gave her a weak smile before leaving her room and closing the door.


Another day, another adventure.. as usual.

And the gang was playing board and card games.

At one point, they played pantomime, and it sort of went chaotic since Gangle had a difficult time, since she accidentally bumped into someone earlier and broke her comedy mask, and kinger had a few.. freak outs..

Jax wasn't too bothered but still played but didn't put too much effort into mimicking stuff, and Bubble was enjoying the whole thing unfold.


Hours passed, and it was getting dark, and Ragatha, Zooble, and Pomni decided to go for a walk.

Gangle went to try fixing her mask, Kinger went into his pillow fort and Jax? Well....

Jax's POV:

Here I was.. at the lake, looking at the beautiful yet none changing night sky full of stars.

Not like they were like the ones back in the real world.

I didn't really care for Star Gazing back then, but now.. I mean, what else is there to do..

I saw a shooting star

Sure, it wasn't a real star, and wishes don't always come true.. but it was worth a shot... right?

I made a silent wish and felt myself drifting asleep.


The next morning, I woke up in my own bed.

I stretched and went to grab my brush to straighten my messy fur.

I left my room and closed my door.

Shortly after, I was greeted by Ragatha.

I wasn't bothered as always, so I just lifted my hand shortly as a way to greet her back and left.


No one's POV:

Everyone was in the main room playing Uno even Caine (surprisingly), and poor Pomni kept getting '+ cards' and was struggling holding them.

Kinger was having his 5th break out today, and as usual, the 'parasite' was enjoying the show.

After a few rounds, they switched games and played a few rounds.

They were about to start another round, but before they could...

"Is there room for one more player?"


Not some NPC ~ Jax x Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now