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(FR got a free Book ticket from my friend Weirdo requested a resident evil book😋(bro hates Resident evil) gonna gobble it up)

At this point of time I think Carlos is now questioning his untold devotion and love towards you, because like...

"Help me tea bag then Carlos." Like fuck was he gonna slap a actual tea bag against a dead zombies face.

He shook his head, licking those scrumptious lips😈 as he scanned the area. "I'm not gonna do that, [name]" he shook his head in disappointment.

You slowly turned towards him from your crouched position, an actual tea bag in hand. "I'll give you a smooch..?" You wiggled your eyebrows, ignoring all of the other body's in the nurse's office.

...Well, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to try it out?? It's good to try new things.

"You'll give me a kiss?"

"No, were gonna play sword fight with my MASSIVE CO-"

"Could've just said yes, but alright" he nodded with an amused huff, eyes sparkling ever so slightly, even though that might have sounded cringe from how I just fucking worded it but the devotion in his eyes that gave you the creeps from how he stared at you, he then decided to finally grab a wet tea bag to slap against the rotten ..

"Arughhh." the zombie snarled as he got up caused someone to scream like a little girl.. it wasn't you who screamed😞



"I mean, ahem, ahhh.."

You slowly shook your head as you aimed your gun at the zombies forehead before firing, with a loud bang the floor underneath it was painted in brighter red instead of the crusted darker red.

You licked your dry lips as you threw your tea bag away and went straight towards the safe, trying to open it by doing the trick I would like to call, the vending machine, yes, you did shake the damn safe as Carlos just stood near the dead, dead zombie, watching you shake, raise your leg and kick it before shaking it again.

And that's the person he's been thinking about since the first time he met? Didn't know he liked brainless people.

"You think he's gonna last out there?" You had been asking the same question whenever you could to Tyrell, Carlos, the poor mf was out of the small room that you, Jill and Tyrell were in, the faint sounds of his gun firing as he shot his ammo at the zombies outside the door in the main part of the hospital.

The faint grunts he let out each time he almost got bit made you feel just a tad bit anxious as you waited beside Jill, playing with her hair subconsciously as Tyrell worked on hacking into the hospital's security system.

.... Then the electricity shut down.

You slowly turned to Tyrell as the door rattled slightly "i would like to apologise for licking your leg..."

"Carlos, the circuit breaker should be out there somewhere." Tyrell only gave you a look before talking into his ear piece, ignoring what you had just said in favour of side glancing the rattling door, you could see how he gulped any spit remaining in his mouth as he nervously glanced before looking back at the laptop.

You tried to ignore the bang of the door and the loud slashing of claws, familiar sound of the loud claws clashing against the floor, the mutated lizard like things, the creature that had injured your arm... the arm that got fucked by the pole😡

Your nervousness seemed to spike at the thought of that creature breaking in, though, the nervous feeling soon dropped as you heard a loud screech and a thud, signalling the thing was now dead.

Your head hung low as the gun firing seemed to decrease, at this point... the loud noises soon turned muffled as your eyes focused on the floor before blurring.

Your hands soon fell limp as your breathing slowed... not a thought behind those eyes😟

The seconds passed, then minutes, after about ten minutes the loud sounds stopped.. then a crash that resulted in your spaced out state to cut off.

Your eyes darted around the area in slight panic before slowly breathing.

"I ain't ba, ba, ba, baaa McLovin' this..."


WE ARE NOW _______ YOU OFF!!!


"What? What's wrong?" Tyrell looked at you with wide eyes at your sudden outburst.

"Tyrell, kiss me."



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