Ellie's P.O.V.
"I need to ask you something," Zayn said sternly as he stood in front of the door to my home.
"Can we at least go inside first?" I snapped, still hungover from the party.
"No I need to ask you now." His eyes were starting to take on a very hazy, dark brown color.
"Fine," I scoffed, shifting my feet.
"Well..." I could tell he was nervous by the way he scuffed his feet along the pavement and frantically searched the area. I looked around, too, trying to see what he was looking at.
I didn't see anything unusual, just my neighbor walking his dog and a random jogger passing by. But why did this conversation need to be private?
This freaked me out a bit, only because I didn't really know Zayn that well. He's told me nothing about himself, except the fact that he used to be in an infamous boy band.
"What is it?" I questioned turning my attention back on the tall figure blocking my door.
Out of nowhere, there was a buzzing noise. Zayn reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone.
"I've got to take this," He said, pointing to the small object. He pressed the answer button. He walked past me, looping his arm around my waist, tugging me along.
"What do you want?" Zayn said gruffly into the phone.
"You already know the answer to that," I could hear the voice on the other end of the phone. It was a deep voice that I couldn't recognize.
"You can't have her," Zayn snapped pulling me closer to his side. Worriedly, I looked up to Zayn. When he looked back, I noticed an amount of anger and sorrow in his eyes as the voice continued talking.
"How about you put her on the phone?"
"You can't touch her, I won't let you," He growled, hanging up on the mystery voice.
"Come on, we need to get out of here," He whispered more to himself than to me. "Please pack a suitcase with your clothes in it," He said plainly.
I didn't resist, remembering what happened the last time. Silently, I walked inside and directly to my bedroom where I pulled out my red suitcase from under the bed. I filled it with all sorts of clothes for all types of weather. I zipped up the top and pulled it along with me down the hallway. I saw that Zayn had pulled out a duffel bag from the closet by the front door and was loading food from my fridge into it.
"Where are we going?" I asked Zayn cautiously.
"I'll tell you on the way," he replied. He slung the duffel over his shoulder and stepped over to the door.
Like a lost puppy, I followed him out of my home and outside to his Bentley. I placed my suitcase on the backseat before opening the passenger door and taking a seat. Zayn placed the duffel bag full of food on top of my suitcase then climbed into the drivers' seat. He turned the keys to the ignition and sped away from my house.
I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I pushed the feeling away.
"So, where are we going?" I asked quietly after being on the road for about ten minutes.
"Do you remember the day we first met?" he said quickly turning his gaze to me and then back to the road again.
I thought for a moment. I remembered going to the masquerade party with Jessie about a month ago and her leaving me all by myself at the table. Then Zayn had come up so boldly and forcefully pulled me into the middle of the dance floor. Then I remembered he had followed me home, just to return my cell phone; which, I had dropped during my escape from him.
"Do you remember how I returned your phone to you?" He said staring out at the road in front of us.
"Yeah, you followed me home," I said with a small giggle escaping my lips.
"Ellie, this is serious!" he spat, catching me off guard.
"Anyway, I followed you because this guy, Brad, told me that he was hired by someone to kidnap you and that he couldn't do it so he told his boss that he would find someone else to capture you and take you to him. Brad thought that I would be a suitable choice from my previous experience in that field. I said yes to the deal. So I called the boss and asked where he wanted you and why. He told me where. And then he told me why," He paused to look at me. I could see the remorse in his eyes. He continued, "He wanted to use you for several reasons. One of which to get your father to pay a ransom of several million dollars then kill him. The other was your body."
Yeah, my father was a wealthy man. He handled his money well. But why me? I sat there stunned and speechless.
"So, why didn't you give me to this guy?" I asked, finally forming the words.
"I realized it was wrong for such a beautiful girl to have to go through so much pain," he whispered. We came to a stop at a stoplight and I turned my head to look at the boy who was next to me. I could feel my cheeks heat up and the tears brimming at my eyes.
"We have to leave because I don't want to loose you," Tears streamed down his prominent cheek bones and slid off his jawline onto his shirt.