Shattered ch 4

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"Shattered ch 4"
At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was having a drink as Skye came into the room and by Lorenzo."You look happy, What are you up to" Oh Skye, You know me so well" Yes I do, what are you up to" I ask Tea to run for Mayor, Now I can be even more powerful "Oh Lorenzo "Are you upset "No I'm turn on" Lorenzo kiss Skye and they had sex by the fireplace just like when they first made love.

At Tea/Ric-Tea and Ric had been married and were happy, Ric was at home when Tea came into the room."Tea, You look happy "I'm, I have a job offer for you what do you think of us running for Mayor "Both Of us" Yes you would run as my lieutenant "Was this Lorenzo's Idea" He suggested it but I want it too, So what do you say" I say yes! Ric shares a kiss with Tea. "We are going to win" Yes, I still want a baby "We can have it both "Yes"

At Nelle/Jr-Nelle and Jr were engaged to be married and were happy when Nelle was about to open a letter it was from Brenda as Jr came by," Nelle "It's a letter from my mother, I'm not sure if I want to read it, It's hard knowing my mother had a breakdown, Can I get it too" Nelle, You aren't you're a mother "I hope not, Sometimes I wish Skye was my mother and not her" Jr hug Nelle "I'm okay, Let's go to the office "Jr and Nelle give back The Cassadine empire to Nikolas and open their own company together.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo had just made love and were getting dressed."That was wonderful "Yes it was, We are alike"Yes we our"

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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