「【 Blood going make me scream 】」

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YN stood at the edge of the rooftop, her eyes fixed on the bustling city below. She knew that Mr. Compress, the notorious villain, was out there, somewhere, causing chaos and destruction. YN had been tracking him for weeks, gathering information and preparing for the inevitable confrontation. And now, the time had come.

She leapt off the rooftop, her black cloak billowing behind her as she soared through the air. She landed on a nearby building, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of Mr. Compress. And then, she saw him.

He was standing in the middle of the street, surrounded by a group of his henchmen. They were causing havoc, smashing windows and setting cars on fire. YN knew she had to act fast.

She leapt off the building and landed right in front of Mr. Compress. He grinned at her, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Well, well, well," he said. "If it isn't YN. You're just in time to witness my latest masterpiece."

YN didn't say a word. She knew that words wouldn't stop Mr. Compress. She had to use her fists. She charged at him, her hands glowing with energy. Mr. Compress tried to dodge, but YN was too fast. She landed a powerful punch right in his gut, sending him flying backwards.

But Mr. Compress wasn't down for long. He got back up, his eyes blazing with fury. He pulled out a small device from his pocket and aimed it at YN. A bright beam of light shot out, hitting YN square in the chest.

YN felt her strength draining away. She stumbled backwards, her vision going blurry. She knew that Mr. Compress had used his compression quirk on her. He was trying to crush her into a tiny ball.

But YN wouldn't let that happen. She dug deep, summoning all of her strength. She focused her energy into her fists and charged at Mr. Compress once again.

This time, her punch was even stronger. It hit Mr. Compress right in the face, sending him crashing to the ground. His device clattered to the pavement, broken.

YN stood over him, her chest heaving. She had won this battle, but she knew that Mr. Compress would be back. There were always more villains to fight, more battles to win. And YN was ready for them all. "May we meet again.. My beautiful little diamond, Y/N" Compress says, he tries to crease YN cheek but YN punches his nose and his nose bleeds. "AHH~! a feisty one I see." Compress says, they both start fighting until YN punches his neck and he cough out blood "FUCK. Fine.. Ill let you run.. 1.. 2.. 3-" compress says holding his neck grunting.

YN ran as fast as she could, her heart pounding in her chest. She didn't know how she had ended up in this situation, running through the dark alleyways with a dangerous villain hot on her heels. She could hear his heavy footsteps getting closer and closer, his menacing laughter echoing through the narrow passageways. YN knew that she had to keep running if she wanted to survive.

She turned a corner and almost ran straight into a dead end. She panicked for a moment, but then spotted a small window at the top of the wall. YN quickly scrambled up the wall and hoisted herself through the window, not caring that she was cutting her hands on the broken glass. She landed in a dark room, panting and sweating.

The room was small and cramped, filled with dusty boxes and old furniture. YN knew that she couldn't stay there for long, as the villain would surely find her eventually. She searched around for a way out, and finally spotted an old door hidden behind a pile of boxes.

She pushed the boxes aside and tried the door handle. To her relief, it was unlocked. YN stepped through the door and found herself in a dimly lit corridor. She could hear the villain's voice getting louder, and she knew that he was getting closer.

YN ran down the corridor, her heart pounding in her chest. She spotted a stairway leading up, and she took it two at a time. The villain was right behind her now, his laughter echoing up the stairway. YN burst out onto the roof and ran towards the edge. She looked down and saw that the drop was at least two stories, but she knew that it was her only chance.

She took a deep breath and jumped off the edge of the roof. For a moment, she felt like she was flying, but then she hit the ground hard. YN lay there for a moment, dazed and in pain, but she knew that she had to get up and keep running. She got to her feet and staggered away, hoping that the villain wouldn't catch up with her

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