Chapter One 🐾

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     "Ow! Silverkit, that hurt!"

     Frostkit whined in pain. She suspected Silverkit unsheathed her claws on purpose. A long, bleeding scratch had formed over her left eye and she couldn't open it because it was swollen. Sunkit, Frostkit's brother and the runt of the litter, padded over to sniff the wound.

     "Mother! Frostkit's got a scratch over her left eye!" Riverkit, another one of Frostkit's brothers, yowled. Immediately, their mother, Snowdrop, appeared at the nursery's entrance. Summerkit, one of Frostkit's sisters, raced over to lead Snowdrop to Frostkit.

     "Thank you, Summerkit, but I'm pretty sure I can see where Frostkit is." Snowdrop told Summerkit sweetly and frantically hurried toward Frostkit. Snowdrop nudged Sunkit gently, but firmly, away and started to sniff the wound to check for infection.

     "Let's go to the medicine den, Frostkit." Snowdrop said, padding out the nursery and calling over her shoulder to Frostkit's littermates, "You kits be good when I'm gone, otherwise I am telling father, and you wouldn't want that!" 

     "We will!" They called in sync, playing The Warrior And The Mice again. Frostkit scrambled out the nursery, half-blind. Snowdrop lowered her head and gripped Frostkit's scruff in her jaws. Frostkit felt outraged. She could walk!

     "Lemme down!" Frostkit complained, wriggling.

     "Oakstar! Look what Silverkit did to Frostkit." Snowdrop called to Oakstar, leader of Thunderclan and Frostkit's father. Oakstar pricked his ears when Snowdrop called him. He leaped down from the Highrock where he was sunning himself.

     "Frostkit, what happened?! Don't worry!" Oakstar exclaimed, looking plenty worried.

     "Well, me and my littermates were playing The Warrior And The Mice. Silverkit was the warrior and the rest of us were mice. Sunkit couldn't scramble out Silverkit's way fast enough, but Silverkit went right past him! Silverkit was targeting me! Silverkit lashed out at me. I dodged, but Silverkit's other paw hit the bottom of my left eye and when I ducked fully, the wound was bleeding. 

     "Her claws were unsheathed! If they weren't unsheathed, I would've just slipped and fell. Instead, I got scratched. Right. On. My. Eye. It stings!" Frostkit explained.

     "Hmm... I need to talk to Silverkit on keeping your claws sheathed when playing." Oakstar decided, "Go to the medicine den now."

     Snowdrop padded toward the medicine den's entrance. Apon reaching it, Snowdrop called a greeting to Peachflame, the Thunderclan medicine cat. Peachflame came out of his den, a worried expression on his face.

     "Is something wrong, Snowdrop?" Peachflame asked, then he noticed Frostkit dangling from Snowdrop's jaws, "Oh dear. Frostkit, what happened?" Snowdrop plopped Frostkit onto the ground and began explaining. As Snowdrop was explaining and Frostkit was laying on the ground, covering her face with her paws, Peachflame went into his den and came back out with various herbs and cobwebs. He began to chew the herbs and slather Frostkit's wound with them and placing the cobwebs on top. Snowdrop finished explaining and picked Frostkit up by the scruff again.

     "Snowdrop, bring her tomorrow at sunrise for an examination." Peachflame called. Snowdrop nodded.

     "That's the day my apprentice ceremony is taking place!" Frostkit complained as she was carried to the nursery. When they were inside, Frostkit's littermates were asleep in a pile in Snowdrop's nest. Frostkit was dropped on top of Riverkit who complained in his sleep. 

     "Go to sleep." Snowdrop instructed and settled beside the pile of kits and closing her eyes. Frostkit wasn't tired, but she obeyed her mother's orders, since it was already moonrise. Frostkit fell asleep immediately after she closed her eyes.


     A day passed and it was Frostkit's apprentice ceremony. But first, she needed to go to the medicine den so Peachflame could check her wound. Under the watchful eye of her mother, she padded toward the medicine den. When she entered, Peachflame was impatiently waiting for her, flicking his tail back and forth. Frostkit sat down and Peachflame peeled the cobwebs off her eye. Frostkit still couldn't see anything. Peachflame grumbled unhappily, making Frostkit worried.

     " You've gone blind in one eye. Silverkit's claw had cut your eye. Your eye is open, but it is cloudy." Peachflame told Frostkit. 

     "How can I train with just one eye?" Frostkit asked.

     "You'll figure it out." Peachflame said.

     Suddenly, Frostkit could hear her father calling for a clan meeting.

     "Letall those cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting."

     Frostkit quivered with excitement and raced out the den.

Hi! This is my first story since I joined Wattpad, soooooo I hope you enjoy it!

- NorthstarofRiverClan

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