Chapter Five 🐾

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     Frostpaw shivered with fear and crouched down. About eight rogues were sitting in a clearing, chatting. Frostpaw wanted to flee, but she needed to know what the rogues were talking about. Frostpaw creeped forward until she was in earshot, but out of view.

     "Darkspirit won't be happy that his first plan failed." A rogue said, "Shadowclaw had the apprentice, but she escaped. He said she was in this clan."

     "Well, when do we attack Thunderclan?" Another asked.

     "When Tangle and his crew arrive." The third rogue answered, "That should be at moonrise."

     "Let's go back. Darkspirit wanted a specific cat dead. He said her name was Snowdrop." The first rogue said. Frostpaw's rage fueled to maximum. She would not let anyone kill her mother. Frostpaw snarled softly as the rogues left Thunderclan territory. She glanced at the sky. It was sundown! She needed to warn the clan. Frostpaw pelted toward the Thunderclan camp.

     When she arrived, the sun's rays were barely visible over the horizon. Panting, she called out for Oakstar. Oakstar appeared from the leader's den and padded toward her.

     "What is it, Frostpaw?" Oakstar asked.

     "I overheard that some rogues are going to attack at moonrise!" Frostpaw exclaimed. Oakstar looked at her, surprised.

     Oakstar leaped onto the Highrock, "Let all those cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting." Cats started to flow from the dens.

     "My daughter, Frostpaw, overheard some rogues talking. Frostpaw tell them everything." Oakstar said.

     "I was going to try to hunt, and I scented crow-food, so I followed the scent and I saw eight rogues saying they will attack us at moonri-" Frostpaw cut off when everyone heard a battle cry and rogues started spilling from the gorse tunnel. All the kits blundered into the nursery, their mothers standing outside the entrance, claws unsheathed. The warriors and apprentices leaped into battle, taking down rogues one by one. A sleek, grey tabby slinked out of the gorse tunnel. Snowdrop gasped.

     "Darkspirit." Snowdrop hissed, and launched herself at her father. Frostpaw hurled at a rogue that had Riverpaw pinned. The rogue yelped as he hit the ground and fled as Riverpaw and Frostpaw advanced on him. Riverpaw signaled to Frostpaw with is tail for thanks, and then swatted at a small rogue, no older than them, that attacked him. Frostpaw looked around wildly. Snowdrop and Darkspirit were nowhere to be seen, Silverpaw and Summerpaw had cornered a rogue and was swiping at her, and Oakstar was sparring with a rogue two times smaller than him, but was more nimble. A rogue suddenly barreled into her side and she lost her balance and fell. The rogue was on top of her immediately, pinning her on her side. Frostpaw bared her teeth and sank them into her enemy's shoulder while her claws scraped at nothing. The rogue hissed in pain, but he sank his teeth into Frostpaw's throat. Frostpaw's vision started to become blurred, with black spots dancing in her vision. 

     Suddenly, the rogue let go and Frostpaw was free. Frostpaw sprang to her feet, adrenaline rushing through her body. She glanced at the rouge and saw Snowdrop on top of the rogue. The rouge was trying to throw her off, but couldn't. Frostpaw studied her mother. Snowdrop was bleeding from several wounds and she had a wild look in her eyes. Frostpaw snarled and swiped at the rogue's eyes. The rogue flinched, throwing Snowdrop off, but she was on her feet again. The rogue fled out the camp.

     "Are you okay, Snowdrop?" Frostpaw asked.

     "Yes." Snowdrop said, the wild look fading, "I fled from Darkspirit. He dragged me outside. No more chatting. Our clan needs us. We're outnumbered." Frostpaw glanced around and she realized that that was true. 

     Suddenly, another battle cry erupted outside. Frostpaw was defeated. The rogues have reinforcements. But instead of rogues, Thunderclan cats rushed into the camp and flung themselves onto the rogues. Frostpaw brightened immediately. A hunting patrol had arrived! Stunned by the reinforcements, the rogues fled. Peachflame and Sunpaw hurried out the medicine cat den that was being guarded by Blazetalon. The place was a mess. Blood and fur were scattered everywhere, as well as some bodies of dead cats. As Frostpaw watched, Riverpaw walked up to a body and wailed, crouching down. Frostpaw was curious of who might the dead cat be, so she padded up to her brother, nudging him gently. When Frostpaw glanced at the face of the cat, she felt grief overwhelm her, so she too wailed, crouching down into the mourning posture. The dead cat was Summerpaw, their sister.

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