"so make the friendship bracelets"

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"Hey bro" I message Patrick "how do you feel about going to the stadium this weekend and watching Taylor Swift's concert"

"yeah i can do that, just send me details and everything if you can mate" he replies.

"no problem see you then" I say.

Taylor Swifts tour, the eras tour, was in Kansas City this weekend and at Arrowhead Stadium, my home stadium. I have always has a celebrity crush on Taylor because I mean, who wouldn't? And now I get to see her rock the stage and hopefully I get to shoot my shot. I'm determined to. I want to make sure I get the full experience as it's a once in a lifetime opportunity so I search online to see what I can do to make the concert even better. The top option on every website was to make 'friendship bracelets', I wasn't really sure what these were but I ordered the supplies straight away as it seemed like a 'swiftie' tradition.

A day later, the beads and string arrive and I get right to it. I jokingly decided to make a bracelet with my number on it, hoping I would be able to give it to Taylor at the weekend. It is a dream come true that I get to see her live but it would be even better if I was able to meet her personally. I tie the string and the bracelet is complete, I realise that this was probably a stupid idea and it wont even work but it doesn't hurt to try, right?

*at the weekend*

Patrick and I arrive at the stadium, with the bracelet on my wrist, and we're overwhelmed by how many people are there.

"There are so many more people here than the amount at our games" i say even though I'm not really surprised like come on, it's Taylor Swift!

He nodded in agreement.

We get escorted to where we're sitting, even though this is our home stadium, we're never usually up in the stands so we weren't completely sure how to get around. As we sit down, I take in the phenomenal view of the stadium and now it's become even more real. Me and a few of the other boys were looking around and pointing out some amazing outfits, which many of them included sequins and colour.

"Wow these people have great imaginations, how do they come up with some of these outfits" I think to myself.

I genuinely am impressed but I can't show my excitement too much even though the whole team knows that I like Taylor because to be honest, I'm not the best at hiding it. I hear 'Applause' by Lady Gaga playing and the lights are starting to dim. I hand out the last of my friendship bracelets to eager fans and stay in my seat and wait for the show to start.

*3 hours later*

Holy shit. I've never seen anything like that ever in my life. The vibes were immaculate and everybody was having so much fun, including me. I run down to the floor section hoping to find somebody who knows Taylor or even the star herself so I can give her the bracelet. However, I was unsuccessful doing this which to be honest, made feel pretty shit but not everything in life works out they way you want it to.


*1 week after the show at Arrowhead*

I hear 4 knocks on my dressing room door and I scream "come in" as I know it's Tree. She always knocks 4 times which I've always found a bit odd but atleast I know when it's her at the door. She sits down in the chair next to me and just goes on her phone.

"Taylor" she says.

"What's up Tree?" I reply.

"You were amazing tonight and the fans loved you. I know you like to hear what or if anything happens during the concert" She says before I cut her off.

"Oh my god, what's happened? Anything bad?" I panic.

"No no no nothing bad Tay, I just want to talk about one of the members of the Kansas City Chiefs, Travis Kelce"

"I've heard that name before but I can't think of where, anyways what about him?"

"Last week, he came to your saturday night show and it's all over the internet thst he wanted to give you a friendship bracelet with his phone number on but he wasn't able to" she said quite nervously.

"That's cute" I reply.

"Yeah do you wanna see a pic of him?" she asks me.

I already know what he looks like but I have to pretend I don't so I don't give too much away about the fact that I've found him attractive for quite some time.

"That'd be nice" I say.

She gets out her phone and shows me a photo of him that I haven't seen before.

"Oh my" I say as my mouth open involuntarily.

"Do you want me to give you his number?"

I hear her but I say nothing, still admiring that sexy photo of Kelce.

"I'm guessing that's a yes, let me write it down for you" she says while writing it down on a napkin.

Tree gets up and starts walking towards the door.

"Bye Taylor"

"Wait what, oh bye Tree" I get up and pass her phone to her. "Don't forget this."

"I thought I was going to have to leave it and you in your own little world over there" she chuckles and closes my door.

I get up and lock the door, I want this man so bad.

A/N - i wanted to change this chapter completely as I didn't like the first one I wrote so this one is longer and hopefully a bit better❤️

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