"good girl faith"

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After locking my dressing room door I turn my back to it and slide down the wall fighting every urge in my body to not text Travis straight away. There's only one thing that can take my mind off it.
I crawl over to the couch in the corner and open instagram. I search "Travis Kelce" and "killatrav" comes up, bit of a weird name but I couldn't care less. I scroll through his feed and discover a picture of him in his tight football uniform and my eyes only focus on a certain feature of his body which isn't helping.
"why why whyy?" i sigh, how does just looking at this man's posts make me want his body this bad.

I lay myself down on the couch, rip off my own shirt and my hand begins to make its way down my front and into my tight shorts with dirty thoughts running through my mind. Thank god I hadn't got into costume yet. Who would've guessed, I've been soaking wet all this time. I can feel myself dripping down my thighs. I rubbed my clit through the thin lace of my panties while my other hand squeezes my tits, an unexpected gasp escaped from my mouth. Feeling like a beginner, I slip one finger in and I pump it in and out but it's not enough. My middle finger joins my index and I curl them inside me, which makes me moan. Shit. I hope these walls are soundproof. I press harder on my clit and at this point I don't care how loud I am. I start rocking back and forth but unable to reach my climax so I reach to my locked bottom drawer and pull out a vibrator. I turn it on and start moving it around my folds hoping that this will do the job. Oh. My. God. I can feel my pussy release and my orgasm soaks through my shorts as I arch my back and my hands roam my body freely.

I realise after that solo performance that the person I was dreaming of doing that to me was Travis. I couldn't believe it myself to start with but after a while it started to make sense., I hear a buzz come from the floor and it's tree.
"Hey Taylor, the show starts in 45 minutes."
Fuck. I haven't even picked out which outfits I was going to wear tonight and I also needed a shower after that.

I had a quick shower and finally gave up and messaged Travis.
'Hi Travis, how are you' I said.
'Shit sorry it's taylor'
'swift by the way'
'taylor swift'
'sorry for the spam'
20 minutes, still no reply. I have to make my way up to stage hopefully he's replied by the time the show has finished.

The show has finished and the first thing I search for is my phone. YES YES YES. A MESSAGE FROM TRAVIS.

'Hey Taylor, i'm great now, how are you? i'm guessing you will see this after you're show' is what the message said.

'i'm amazing thank you, a bit tired but i'm used to it ahah' i replied.

'ah yeah i'm sure you were incredible, you certainly were when i saw you at arrowhead, anyways how did you get my number?'

'oh yea my manager Tree gave me it after I heard your little story about the bracelet' i joke.

'oh shit you know about that? that's embarrassing' he replies, i kind of feel bad.

'nooo it's not don't worry i would've done the same if i saw you, i cant lie' i said, smiling at my phone like a 13 year old girl.

'aha anyways i'm sure you're exhausted so i'll leave you be for tonight and we can talk more tomorrow?' he responded

'okok goodnight travis :)' i wasnt the happiest about this, i wanted to get to know him more but oh well i guess i am quite tired.

'night blondie'

"blondie" that's a cute nickname I think to myself.

'good morning travisss' texting first always makes me nervous but it seemed natural to do with him even though we haven't even had a proper conversation yet.

'good morning taylorrrr, how did you sleep beautiful?' he already has me blushing.

'i slept wonderfully knowing I have your number now' i said attempting to flirt, it's been a while.

'that's cute. i have a question, how do you feel about coming over to mine in a couple days?' That was unexpected.

'well uhm' i respond, speechless.

'you don't have to, i know we barley know eachother but I feel like this could give us a chance to get to know eachother and if it's too quick or if it's not what you want, please tell me I won't be mad' he announces.

I really do want to say yes but I'm not sure if it's too quick. I've taken most of my relationships pretty slow but look at how they've ended up. It's quite obvious that I do want this after my little performance earlier so I might aswell say yes, right?

"Yeah that is what I want, I'm not really sure when I can come over as I've got another 2 shows this weekend and I'll be a bit tired the day after but don't worry, I'll be there eventually. "

'perfect!! i'll message you the details later blondie"

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