"so it goes"

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It's been another couple of days of messaging travis and the day has finally come. The day I get to see that handsome face with my own eyes. I have never been so excited in my life. No guy has ever made me feel like this before.

*around 2 hours later*

I'm finally on the plane and we just have to wait until the pilot says we're good to go. Before we set off, I message Travis to let him know I'm on the way.

"Hey, we're just about to set off, the flight is around 2 hours, see you soon😉"

"I'm so excited to see you princess" he replies, "Have a safe flight❤️❤️"

Oh my god he's perfect.

I'm travelling with my security guards and that's it. I haven't told my parents yet because to be honest, it's a little early and I want to see if we're compatible when we're physically together. The pilot just announced we're about to set off. It's all getting real now.


Taylor has just messaged me saying her plane is about to set off and I can't contain my excitement. I run around the house making sure everything is perfect and everything is clean for my queen. I want these next few days to be the best they can be, I want to make her feel at home when she's with me.

Shit. I have a game on Thursday. What am I meant to do with Taylor? I don't want to leave her all alone but I'm not sure she'll want to go to the game. I could not go and say my knee still hurts because I don't want to disappoint her when she's going through all this trouble just to come see me.


My plane just landed and the nerves are just starting to settle in. I can't want to see him. I finally have wifi so the first thing I do is message Travis.

'Heyy just landed and i'll probably be there in around 30 mins' I message trying not to show too much excitement over text.

'Perfect!! see you soon princess'

PRINCESS?? ohmygod. This man I swear he does things to me. I'm finally in the car and I can see his house in the distance. I brush my hair and sort out my outift. The car stops and I hear James, my security guard, say

"We're here Miss Swift"

"How many times do I have to tell you, call me Taylor, we've known eachother long enough" I joke.

I get out the car looking out for any paparazzi and as soon as there's nobody nearby, I run through the gates and up the front porch steps which are surrounded with beautiful flowers and long emerald green grass. I knock on the door but also message him "I'm heree" just incase he didn't hear it.


I hear a knock on the door and my phone buzzes at the same time, it's Taylor, she's here. I run down the stairs so she isn't waiting outside for too long. I can't make a bad first impression. I get to the tall oak door and open it slowly.

She's wearing the most amazing black lace shirt with blue denim shorts that fit her perfectly, I can't believe that I can call this girl mine. Well she's not my girlfriend yet but one day she will, I hope.

"Well hello there blondie" I say while leaning on the door with my arms crossed.

"Hey Travis" she said in her sexy voice. "Can I come in?"

"Of course you can, take off your shoes when you come in, you don't know how long I spent cleaning this floor waiting for you to come"

"You didn't have to do all that" she said rolling her eyes jokingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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