"missing him was dark grey"

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After just over 1 week of messaging the most fascinating man in the world, I find myself smiling whenever his name pops up on my phone. I promised I would visit him a few days after my shows in Denver but I just haven't had the time. He's such a gentlemen that he's been so patient with me and hasn't gotten mad for me being able to see him yet but that's going to change soon.

"hey blondie" he messages me after a couple hours.

"hey trav, how are youu? you had a busy day?" i reply hoping to start another great conversation.

"im amazing now that i can talk to you again, i mean all i've really done today is record for the podcast. anyways, can you facetime me real quick?"

"yeah sure no problem let me just go up to my room" i reply racing up the stairs.

*incoming call from: trav💘* I answer quicker than ever.

"well hello there beautiful" he says to me in his deep sexy voice.

"hey handsome" i reply. "i have some exciting news for youu"

"What is is taylor?"

"I can come see you this week"

"Holy shit no way, when?"

"Hopefully either tuesday or wednesday, is that okay with you? I'll probably fly tuesday night or wednesday morning but I need to check with Tree, is it okay if I stay with you, if not I can find a hotel nearby".

"That sounds perfect I'm looking forward to it and yes of course you can stay with me." He winks at me. "Okay gorgeous I have to get ready for practice, I'll talk to you soon"

"Okayyy have a good practice trav" I say even though I'm quite disappointed.

I get up off my bed and start to make my way downstairs. Meredith follows me and tries to trip me up on the way down like usual. I walk into my kitchen and start to make myself a coffee to try and distract myself from missing Travis. It know it's only been just over a week but talking to him is so easy and I feel like I can tell him anything, I really trust him. I'm so excited to see him soon because this will be the real test to see if we can really get on.


I feel bad for having to leave her because to be honest, getting to know her for the past week has been the most amazing experience and I don't want to scare her away. I want her to be the one but that's only if that's what she wants. She's beautiful, talented and everything a guy would want, I don't want to mess this up.

I arrive at the stadium and get changed into my practice clothes. To be honest, I don't want to be doing this right now but I have to practice after my injury a few weeks ago, I need to get better.

'Hey blondie, just checking in on you. How what are you up to? Me and the boys are just about to start practice but I promise that I'll call you as soon as we finish.' I message her to make sure she's okay.

It's been around 2 hours and practice was pretty normal. My knee did start to hurt at some points but overall, it was okay and coach did say I can play at the game on Thursday. I check my phone and see a message from Taylor.

"hey im doing good just missing you" she replies, I feel bad I can tell she's sad.

"Practice is finished, I'll call you when I'm in the car ❤️"


Finally, Travis messaged me back after practice. I know he has to do what he has to do but I can't help but miss him. We've become so close recently and I just want to talk to him forever and ever.

I am so excited to see him in a couple days, I need to be with him right now.

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