Dance For Him

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A/N: Welcome y'all to Dance For Him!! I kinda ran out of idea for a Christmas special this year, so I really hope you enjoy this story. This story was inspired by a real experience I had one Christmas, and it holds a special place in my heart, so I'm glad I could share it with y'all. Above is not the song in the story, instead it is my favorite Christmas song. Merry Christmas everyone, and have a wonderful New Year with friends and family!!

Love y'all!! ~Diana <333

Cast of Characters:

Kinna Boldheart

Kinna Boldheart

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Carter Boldheart

Carter Boldheart

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"It was a beautiful Friday evening." Kinna Boldheart began her favorite childhood story with a smile on her face. It was the first Christmas her husband Carter and she shared as a married couple, and she had been saving the story just for this cozy Christmas Eve occasion. 

"Alright, story time!" Carter giggled, sitting next to her on the couch and setting down two mugs, one of tea and one of hot chocolate. Kinna was a small girl, so small that as she sat down on his lap, snuggling into her husband, her head rested perfectly on his shoulder without stretching or slouching. He kissed her forehead as she began.

"My folklorico dance group and I were going to perform at the Tree Lighting Ceremony, and it was going to be a lot of fun. The event was at the Civic Center courtyard, where a modest-sized stage was set up, right in front of a large and beautiful Christmas tree, the kind that had lights going up on all sides, and a lovely silver angel on the top. I enjoyed the fact that there was an angel on the top, as a pet peeve of mine was when a star was on the tree. Don't get me wrong I like stars, I just prefer angels." Kinna explained.

"That's why you didn't let me put a star on our tree!" Carter realized aloud, looking at the beautiful tree in the room. Kinna nodded, then continued.

"Anyway, we danced to the song "Silent Night", but the Spanish version, which was also very beautiful. The dance was simple enough, and the costume was from the Sinaloa region, which is my favorite one, the white satin shirt, and long flowing red skirt. My hair was very short at the time, so using five million bobby pins, and a lot of hairspray, my mom was able to tie it up so that my headdress might fit on the makeshift bun. I did my makeup myself, which was a lot of fun, and I think it turned out well. I felt very pretty all made up, a little uncomfortable, but I was too excited to care." She made a wide movement with her arms, almost making Carter drop his tea.

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