Chapter 2-The Intruder..

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(This is another cat)
I sprint through the forest, carrying my kit in my jaws.. I hear the angry yowls behind me, saying "TRAITOR! TRAITOR!"

I reach Thunder'Clan's camp, and see the deputy, Black'Tail.

"BLACK'TAIL!" I shouted in fear.


"Cloud'Pool!? What are you doing here!?" The tom asked.

"I can't explain.. Shadow'Clan's after me.. I want you to take care of Feather'Kit.. please!.." Cloud'Pool begged.

"A-Alright.. I'll take her to the nursery.. but what about you?" Black'Tail asked.

The nervous she-cat replied. "I can't.. it's too risky.. goodbye, the two of you.." she said, in a sad voice, her eyes covered in tears, before sprinting back into the woods.

Black'Tail grabbed the kit to the nursery, letting Rose'Shade take care of her.

(Incredibly short)

Oak'Paw sprinted through the camp, since he was allowed to go to the gathering.

His brothers were behind him.

"Oak'Paw! Slow down!" Mud'Paw shouted.

"Come on, the others might be leaving!" The brown apprentice mewed.

"Oak'Paw!" Another apprentice said.

Oak'Paw turns around, and sees his best friend, Feather'Paw "Feather'Paw! Let's go!"

The four eventually catch up with the other cats, Black'Tail turned around and smiled. "You four sure are in a hurry. Come on, let's go. We're almost there."

Oak'Paw was busy thinking about the mysterious cat he saw back in the camp.

"Uhh.. Oak'Paw? You good?" Moon'Paw asked.

Oak'Paw shook his head, and nervously chuckled "y-yeah! I'm fine!"

"You don't look okay though." Feather'Paw purred. She nudged his shoulder.

"Just thinking about.. what the other clans are gonna report about."

River'Clan and Wind'Clan were already there. Shadow'Clan was the latest.

"Hello, Stone'Star." White'Star purred to the River'Clan leader.

The leaders, except Dark'Star (Shadow'Clan leader) greeted eachother.

"Let's start." Dark'Star purred impatiently.

White'Star went first. "There was a blueish gray cat in our territory.. Dark'Star, care to explain?"

"I have no idea about that, our warriors would never go into other territories!" The dark leader yowled.

"We scented Shadow'Clan scents." Black'Tail replied. "And a patch of blue gray fur."

Oak'Paw's eyes widened. He heard what his father said, and looked at the Shadow'Clan deputy. Lynx'Tail!?.. the young apprentice thought.

But could it be? The Shadow'Clan deputy.. hunting in Thunder'Clan territory?

He noticed Dark'Star whispering to Lynx'Tail. Then the blueish gray tom sneaked away.


Oak'Paw's POV

"That's weird.." I mewed. I looked around if any apprentice or warrior noticed me. "Hey, Moon'Paw, I'll go uh.. back to camp for a bit.."

After Moon'Paw nodded, I sprinted back to Thunder'Clan territory, and scented.. Lynx'Tail! My ears perked up, following the scent.

"Dead squirrels.." I muttered as I saw the fresh-kill in the grass.

I crouched to make sure that NO CAT. Saw me.


Oak'Paw found pawprints in the mud, probably Lynx'Tail's.

He eventually finds a blue gray tom.

"Found him!" The brown tom mewed. Hiding in a bush. The Shadow'Clan deputy was finding prey.

"Mouse-dung.." Lynx'Tail hissed. Before walking away.

Oak'Paw slowly followed him back to Four'Trees.

"Oak'Paw! Where have you been!?" Mud'Pelt yowled, worried.

"I saw Lynx'Tail hunting in our territory!" Oak'Paw claimed.

"We'll tell White'Star about that, come on! Most of us already went back!" Mud'Pelt said.

The two catch up with Feather'Paw and Moon'Paw. "Oh, your back!" The blue gray she-cat mewed.

"Ah, yeah.." The brown tom purred. Nuzzling Feather'Paw's neck. "So, what happened when I was gone?"

"Well.." Feather'Paw replied, "not much.. White'Star and Dark'Star were arguing. Probably about the cat who came into our camp.

The cats reach the camp, tired.

Oak'Paw rushed to White'Star's den.

"Yes, Oak'Paw?" The large, white tom asked. He was cleaning himself.

"White'Star! I saw Lynx'Tail hunting in our territory not so long ago!" He hissed, White'Star's eyes widening.

He sheathed and unsheathed his claws, angry at Dark'Star. "That mousebrain.. thought that he could get away with stealing our prey!"

"We're gonna host a patrol tomorrow, your gonna be in it. Let Sun'Heart come with you, okay? Just to be safe."

"Alright." Oak'Paw muttered.

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