(7) A trip to the studio

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I reluctantly woke up and felt the space next to me empty. That's weird. I thought she would've stayed in bed and cuddled with me. Remembering the phone call earlier I realize she must have had to go in and do something. I get up and grab my phone from the desk and look at the time, 1:30pm. I also noticed a message from Akali around the same time the phone call was.

Akali: Hey (Y/N) I didn't wanna wake you up because you just looked so peaceful sleeping there. Anyway I'm going to be at the studio all day if you want to come and see what it's like just ask one of the girls to give you a ride. I would really appreciate it if you visited me.

Akali: Love you

I could only chuckle at her message as I read it. I guess that's what I'm doing today. My first thoughts were food so I hurried down to the kitchen and started making food. I hadn't seen any of the girls throughout my walk down which was annoying. I didn't feel like taking public transportation in a city where I didn't even know the native language. Whatever, there is probably at least one of them home. Right? I put the thought behind me and started eating the omelet that I made.

After breakfast I freshened up with a shower and got dressed in my casual clothes. Walking down to the main level I still hadn't seen one of the... Shit. On the couch in the living area sat Evelynn playing on her phone.

I was still pissed about what she did but, seeing as no one else seems to be home and I really don't wanna walk through the city, I guess I'll have to deal with it. So, I slowly walk to the couch and in front of Evelynn who seemingly hasn't noticed me yet.

"Hey Evelynn, is there anyone else around?" I reluctantly asked.

I could see her pause as I spoke, clearly not expecting me to speak with her so soon.

"No, Kai'sa went to teach her dance classes and dragged Seraphine with her. Ahri went to a make-up company to talk about a brand deal and Akali should be at the studio." She said, flatly.

"I knew about Akali because she sent me a message this morning. She wants to show me around the studio, but she didn't give an address and I can't read or speak Korean." I take a pause and sigh, "Do you think you could drive me to the studio?"

Expecting to get a no I preemptively pull out my phone and get ready to message Akali. However, what Evelynn said next almost made me drop my phone.

"I can do that for you just give me a moment." She replied.

Evelynn stood up and went towards her room presumably to grab something she needed, while I stood surprised at how easy that was. I thought that was going to take a lot more convincing. After a few moments of just standing around I decided to text Akali.

(Y/N): Hey Kali, just letting you know that I'll be heading over to the studio.

I really hope I don't interrupt anything too important while I am there. Just as I finish my thought I feel a buzz on my phone and look to see that Akali has replied.

Akali: Thank you for letting me know babe. Are one of the girls gonna be driving you?

I didn't want to tell her who but it would probably be better I tell her now than her finding out Evelynn is the one who brought me to the studio.

(Y/N): Yeah, no one else was here so I asked Evelynn to drive me.

I didn't even have to wait 1 sec before I saw the bubbles on the bottom left of the screen. That's not a good sign. And I was right, as the bubbles disappeared I didn't see a text but instead a phone call from Akali. Answering the phone I am unable to get a word in before Akali starts to speak.

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