(13) Concert Day

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Two weeks passed but it wasn't quite as long as I thought, just very grueling. I felt sore everyday from the constant dancing we had to do with Kai'sa and that wasn't even my whole day. Finding proper locations and filming the stupid video took the rest of my time.

Every night we would just pass out on the bed, barely any time for ourselves. I heard through Ahri one night, when Akali and I made it to dinner on time, that (F/N) was going to come to the show with VIP tickets for him and his little sister. It'll be nice to see him.

Right now though, Akali and I were cuddling on the bed in our room. Trying to stay awake while she played her movies. I wasn't paying attention to the movies though. Not because they weren't in a language I couldn't understand, she had subtitles going. But because I was enjoying the feeling of her in my arms.

I never thought that I would have something like this and with how little time we've had to spend together, I needed this.

The warmth, the smell of her freshly showered head as she leaned into me, her smile as she watched the movie. It was a great moment.

I felt a buzz on my phone and sighed before looking at the screen. A notification from (F/N).

Gaheris: Thanks for giving my number to Ahri, I'm really looking forward to meeting her.

I softly smiled at the message before responding.

Wizder: No problem, I hope you have fun.

I then put my phone on the nightstand and cuddled back up to Akali where I promptly fell asleep mid-way through the movie.

Waking up was great, I got to sleep in and it was concert day. Finally the thing I had been waiting for was here and I was extremely excited. When I turned towards Akali I saw her lying there just watching me.

"Did you watch me sleep?" I asked.

"Only for a little bit. You just looked so peaceful." she said before planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"You just wanted to kiss me didn't you."

"You have no proof!" she quietly yelled with a purposefully clueless look on her face.

"Well then I guess you don't need another." I said with a smirk.

"Wait wait wait, fine I didn't want to disturb you so I waited for a kiss." she hung her head low.

"Well don't worry," I pulled her close and kissed the mark that was still on her neck. "If you woke me up with a kiss it would probably be the best day ever.

In just a moment Akali shoved her face into my chest, her arms in between us. I wrapped my arms over her and started to trace random shapes on her back. She started melting into the bed as if to fall asleep again. Our door opened however, and a very rushed Ahri came in.

"We have to be at the venue in two hours. What are you two doing?" she asked.

"Relaxing for the first time in weeks. You'll understand if you get into a relationship." Akali snapped back.

I started chuckling as Ahri looked decently angry. "If you are late by even a second, I will have punishments."

"We won't be late, Ahri. I'll make sure of it." I said. Recently I had been the reason Akali was a little early to everything because I refuse to be exactly on time or late.

"Fine..." She then left the room and closed the door, leaving us alone again.

Eventually it was time to go however, and we quickly took showers, got dressed and ate a slight snack to give us some energy. When we got to the garage however I saw a bike I hadn't seen before with a big red bow on it. And an awesome looking helmet.

It was a mainly black Suzuki Hayabusa that had dark blue highlights. The helmet was full-face with a black visor. The paint job was really cool and reminded me a lot of Akali's style of art.

"Umm Akali, what's with the new bike?" as I turned towards her I could see a very big smile across her face.

"Well, I'm always giving you rides everywhere and you seem to like being on the bike so, I bought you one so we can ride together."

"Holy shit Akali. I don't know what to say. I mean Thank you." I hugged her extremely tightly, 'crushing' her with my appreciation.

"Agh.. (Y/N).. breathing.."

"Oh shit sorry." I said as I let go, "I'm not used to having muscle."

"Yeah, Kai'sa is pretty intense with that kind of stuff. But hey let's get you on this thing." She said, gesturing towards my new bike.

"Wait right now? I've barely ridden motorcycles."

"You'll be fine, come on." She said, tossing my helmet to me.

"Fine," I kissed her as I made my way to my bike. "But if I'm going to do it. We're racing."

I smirked before putting my helmet on and she rushed to her own bike. She had let me drive her own motorcycle a couple times and I didn't do too bad. Her words not mine.

As the entrance to the garage opened we started our bikes. The bluetooth paired to my phone and I started to play my music. Just as I put my phone in my pocket she started leaving the garage and I soon followed. Zipping through the traffic as people stared at us. Some recognized Akali's bike and wondered who I was. When we arrived at the venue we met the gate security and Akali got us in as some extremely 'dedicated' fans took pictures of the bikes and asked who I was.

I said nothing of course and we made our way into the special parking area where fans couldn't look in. I took off my helmet and smiled like a madman at the ride we just had.

"That was fucking awesome (Y/N)! You're a natural on that thing." Akali exclaimed.

"Thank you, but we should go inside. We have about..." I look to my phone showing we got there in 5 minutes compared to the 30 I had thought. "Huh, nevermind we don;t need to hurry at all."

"How long was the drive?"

"5 minutes."

"And how long before we need to actually start getting ready?"

"25 why?"

"Well how about you come over here and we can get some kissing in before they have to do our make-up." She suggested.

"If I ever say no to that question, shoot me."

I quickly set an alarm on my phone, so Ahri wouldn't have to come looking for us, and walked over to Akali who had begun to lean against the building.

"You seem much more confident than the guy I met on that cliff." she said.

"Well, my life has changed for the better and I have you to thank." I walked closer only a few inches from her. "Plus, I think I'm just more me."

"I have to say I love it."

"Well, I love you." I said quietly before kissing her.

The 25 minutes felt like forever as we made out behind the venue. It was so blissful I almost ignored my alarm. Almost.

As I pulled away I could see her begin to pout, "We have to go inside for the concert."

She continued to pout and we walked inside.

"Fine," I said, "If you do great out there I will give you a special reward when we're back at the house okay?"

"Yes!" she said while picking up her pace.

"What am I going to do with you?" I asked as I caught up to her.

"Love me."

"Yeah, you're right."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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