The main character 1

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Choi Seungcheol, the professor of chemistry, had a spouse.

The news flew like a fire in jungle and why not when almost half of the collage had crush on him? Mr. Choi was everything someone could ask for in a man, from his beautiful brown orbs to the profoundly visible dimples when he grins, everything of him had this strange grip on girls and even on guys that they couldn't shrug off the fact that he was married.

The class groaned suddenly when they finally adjusted to brand new information while Seungkwan and Chan looked at eachother in disbelief. The teasing smile on Mr. Choi's face wasn't really helping in coping their disappointment either. That was stupid! How is it even possible?!

"You are lieing right Mr Choi?" One of the many students asked, a doubt that was common to everyone of them. Mr. Choi knew about the immaculate number of crushes related to him and he probably was saying this to flee them off, who knows what that man was upto all these while.

But the professor only shook his head in response, showing his ring finger which currently was circled by a silver strip with few shining objects, "I wonder how you all didn't noticed it till now."

They did noticed it, infact there was nothing about professor Choi that went unnoticed by the students. It was just they never really expected all those rumours about his ring finger to be true. They were stupid, they should have believed it the moment they saw his ring finger was no more empty but just for the sake of their delusional ass which liked to be dreamy about their own professor, they decided not to believe it.

They were not fully at fault though. Mr. Choi himself never mentioned that he had a partner all these while. he was a great lecturer, ofcourse the amount of students being present their was the proof of it. though most of them were there just to watch him speak and feed their delusions the moment the older walked pass them, leaving his lingering faint scent around them, Seungkwan could tell the students would always outnumber the amount of seats when it came to Mr. choi's class.

They all were disappointed but there was nothing they could do. Some of them even wanted to turn back time and stop the student who asked the question about his partner just for the sake of their mental health. Chan and Seungkwan though weren't that much bothered by that fact. Professor Choi was like an idol to them, they though might have swooned over his pretty smile and manly built, there was no way they would feel disappointed just because he turned out to be married. It was idiotic in their opinion.

The class soon ended with Mr. Choi giving them no other information than the fact that he was married, not even the name. He was being secretive about it, not because it was necessary, but mainly because it was fun. He had always been like that, a tease.

Seungkwan heard him speak about his partner just exact a week later, "It's an arranged marriage. Our families did that for us since there was no way i could find someone for myself."

He laughed but the class did not reciprocate the same feelings as him. People were ready to die for him here and the man said it was hard for him to find a partner? For real?

Their curious asses then heard him adding again, "I mean it wasn't a big deal to find someone for me, it's just no matter how much I would have tried, someone like the one I have would never be in my luck. Never."

"Is your partner really that beautiful Mr Choi?" Someone of them asked only to earn a heart piercing nod from the older, "It would be a lie to say my spouse isn't."

And it was clearly visible to Seungkwan and Chan that the man was deeply in love with his partner. It was bluntly visible on his face and the way his smile grew even wider when someone asks about his spouse was a confirmation to it. He had this heart eye while talking about his partner of which most girls weren't really fond of.

THE MAIN CHARACTER Where stories live. Discover now