The main character 2

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Mr. Choi was fifteen minutes late for his class and it was definitely nothing but strange.

Chan looked at Seungkwan spinning his pen between his two finger while glancing at the closed door in between the conversation, "Will Mr. Choi not show up today?"

And how was even Seungkwan supposed to know? Fifteen minutes were already quite a lot time for him and if wasn't for the sake of Mr. Choi, the boy would have already packed up his bag and probably would have been now on his way.

But he didn't do it infact no one did it. They just sat at their places and waited till Mr. Choi would arrive. It was the very first time something like that happened. Mr. Choi was punctual, even too punctual for their own good. He liked being on time and as today he wasn't there, something weird was settling inside Seungkwan.

He looked back at Chan, purloined, "I guess so. Let's just wait couple of minutes more and then think what we should do."

What there was to think? Chan knew his patience was also as thin as seungkwan's. Still as he was told, he waited, not for the door in front to open slightly and making students look forward in anticipation of their professor Choi Seungcheol.

But instead of Mr. Choi entering inside, the door flung wide opened, revealing a man, as same height as Mr. Choi, standing in front of the entrance.

He was beautiful, even beautiful was an understatement when it came to defining the man they were watching all along. He had a beautiful blonde hair, quite long as the bangs would fall on his forehead from each side and hair from back would cover his neck. Thin lips, fare skin and a well maintained personality, everything of him was so mesmerising that even Chan's jaw was somewhere on the floor along with other students.

When the man walked inside with his white silk shirt and black tight pants, Seungkwan could tell he was very confident in himself. He had an aura around himself that the moment he stare at someone for more than three seconds, eyes automatically break the contact by diverting their heads to other side.

Just after they were done staring at the man, a new black haired man arrived, insanely as breathtaking as him. His hair were shorter in comparison to the former but they were styled neatly. His eyes were mesmerising, his voice was impressive, Chan could feel the same confidence overflowing in him as same as former when he spoke.

"Good morning everybody-"

The blonde interrupted, "No need to sugarcoat Hong, their morning would not be any good when they'll get to know about us."

The sentence made the class dead silent. Get to know about them? Why the sentence sounded so threatening? What were they? Mafia? What was these two men even doing in their class? Where was Mr. Choi?

"Mr. Choi is gone." The blonde announced leaving people feel their breath stuck in their lungs. When the black hair spoke, half of the class already had asthama attack at that point, "And so is your Mr. Lee."

"And for now it's just us, you and me and this full semester where we'll look forward to the great perfections coming from eachother." The blonde sounded slightly excited, but suddenly someone's excitement was someone's annoyance at that point.

The black hair one then looked at the blonde who was now sitting on the corner of the table which was generally used to keep papers and other necessities by the professors, "Should we then introduce ourselves?"

The blonde nodded, looking ahead while clapping, "Okay! Class, this is your new chemistry professor, Yoon Jeonghan."

The other one then added but with a small smile on his face, "And this one is your new communication professor, Hong Jisoo but I would love to be preferred as Joshua."

THE MAIN CHARACTER Where stories live. Discover now